

is all I can say after listening to Fred Thompson speak following the closing of the South Carolina polls....

What he did was prove that he can't talk without a script or teleprompter. Off the cuff is out the question. Please, Fred, go have a scotch and fall asleep..you'll feel better in the morning...

Second observation.......I really, really don't like Chris Mathews...Someone needs to tell him that "cute" only works for three year olds and under...Go sit down and let the grown ups handle the commentary....Someone needs to tell him that good reporters "report" the story...or relate a good story...they don't attempt to hijack the story by injecting themselves in the middle of the action...

Third Observation....Women have spoken....Hillary wins Nevada....It's going to get real ugly now.....


  1. OMG. Your blog is pink now. I thought I had the wrong place for a sec.

    Just checking in because I quoted you on your "Living History" post over at my spot. But girrlll... Fred Thompson - I wish I could pimp slap him half the time, just like Bush.

    Ah well, nice to see you weighing in on all this madness too. : )

  2. yeah, I had way too much time on my hands this morning...

    anywho....I'm trying to stay out of the stuff until a little later down the line...but sometimes, I can't let it pass....

    been checking up on you too...keep writing...

  3. It's going to get ugly? No ma'am - it's already ugly and we're just in the primaries.

  4. Congratulations on your main page Helium post! You go girl! : )

    As my very teenage daughter would say (never at a loss for superlatives) SuperMegaAwesome! : )

  5. thank u, thank u, thank u....


    Darius...I should have said "uglier"....we all know it is going to get much worse (I'm watching the debate as we speak)
