
Cow’s Out...Why Close the Door

Yesterday’s announcement by the Food and Drug Administration, that cloned meat is safe to eat, is kind of like shutting the barn door after the cow’s already escaped. We’ve been eating cloned meat for several years now, according to some Kansas farmers who know where of they speak. These farmers have publicly admitted selling semen from their own cloned bulls on the open market, (www.washingtonpost.com).

The USDA has asked these same farmers to keep meat from cloned animals off the market. Not because they don’t think it’s safe, but because they think the market is not ready for cloned Mcburgers. A recent survey showed that only 22 percent of Americans like the idea of eating cloned beef, chicken or pork. That same survey shows that cloned anything is an even tougher sell in the rest of the world.

James Greenwood, who is president of the Biotechnology Industry Organization, is quoted in today’s Washington Post as saying that cloning is simply a way to make offspring, like in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination.

He may be right, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to jump at the chance to eat it. I’d go vegetarian but farmers have been cloning plants for a couple of hundred years now...After all, what do you think a “hybrid” plant, is?

Maybe it is time to start growing my own.



Oprah is going to have her own television network. She’s going to call it OWN-TV..meaning the Oprah Winfrey Network...

Go girl!


Reverend Huckabee

GOP candidate Huckabee wants to amend the US Constitution...He wants to change it so that it reflects God’s rules and regs. Which God? Which rules...Which bible?

Does he know why the pilgrims left England in the first place? Does he know why we fought the Revolutionary War? Is he aware of the regimes in the rest of the world where religion supercedes secularism and democracy? Has he heard of Osama Bin Laden, or the Taliban? Does he understand why he, Huckabee is as dangerous as the current president of Iran or any of the Sheiks of Saudi Arabia?

Has he lost his mind? Oh Yeah!


Can You Hear Me Now?!

Did you hear the verbal smack down delivered by the Lady Judge in Las Vegas to OJ Simpson? She jumped all over him today, talking to him as if she was chastising her two year old. I hope they put it on Youtube for all to see.

The bottom line is Juice did not get his "get out of Jail card." She even upped the bail on him.

I'm perplexed...is he really that stupid...Must be...He is still in jail. I don't understand it...OJ beat the system...He should be out playing golf....Seems like the man is a spotlight junkie....

Time to let go OJ and fade in the sunset, Please!

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