
Monday Meanderings....

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that teens have a new street game...it’s called Knockout......young boys and some girls walk up to a stranger and literally try to knockout the individual with one punch....usually something is stolen to prove the attack was carried out....one person has already been killed in the surprise attacks..


One week to the election and the GOP is looking like its going to lose control of congress...so what are they doing? Dubya is stumping for the sexually ambiguous members, the mistress beaters, the nut cases, all in an attempt to retain power....They also are trying to talk their way out of Iraq, admitting that “staying the course” isn’t working...


Have you seen the new Lexus LS-460? The car, which comes with a 61,000-dollar price tag, can parallel park itself. The driver has to align the vehicle and control the backup-speed, but the car does all the rest. Takes about 27 seconds...manually parking your car takes about 17, for those of us who know how to parallel park...

Okay, Scottie.....I’m ready to beam up....


Ohioans going to the polls will still have to show ID next week. An appeals court upheld the policy....Just make sure your drivers license is in your pocket when you vote.


The fog is breaking over Cincinnati.....Board of Trustees at the University of Cincinnati have approved domestic partnership benefits for same sex couples...students are okay with it and see it as a way of attracting better teachers....Cincinnati’s antiquated nut fringe hasn’t sounded off yet......

Ohio has a constitutional ban on gay marriage which effectively does away with heterosexual common law protections, too....will be interesting to see if UC’s move stands up in court...if and when it is challenged...


A new federal report says hundreds of thousands of weapons earmarked for Iraqi troops are missing and can’t be traced...


Former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani doing campaign ads for Ken Blackwell...Proves it’s just about power and money...Couldn’t find two more different personalities than Giuliani and Blackwell...


Kentucky Fried Chicken says it is going to stop frying foods in oils that are loaded with artery clogging trans fat.....Now if they can just get their food to taste better and improve the behind the counter help, they might win back some customers from Popeyes...maybe not..


Does anyone still listen to Rush Limbaugh....his slams against Michael J Fox were nothing short of a grab for attention.....look at me! Look at me!....I’m still relevant!...not that he ever was...talk about ego tripping...

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