
Dur Fuhrer Bush

The bad news just keeps on coming from this administration. With absolutely no fan fare Dubya has signed a new law that makes it easier for him to declare martial law.

Public law 109-364, also known as the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007, was signed by Bush on October 17th along with the Military Commissions Act. Originally known as H.R. 5122, it allows the president to, at his discretion, declare a “public emergency” and to station troops anywhere in America and to take control of the National Guard without permission from Governors or local authorities, in order “to suppress” any public disorder or disruptions of any sort.

The recognized term for this kind of maneuver is called “declaring martial law.”

Before Bush signed this bill, the ability of the president to deploy troops inside America was hindered by two laws; the Insurrection Act and the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. The two measures prevent the use of the military to enforce domestic law against US citizens on American soil.

Now, under this new law, Bush can use the army in any situation that he deems dangerous to the country both inside and outside our borders, whether the threat comes from so called terrorists or just pissed off American citizens.

Further, the law provides for detention camps, already under construction by KBR, a division of Haliburton, to contain unruly or undesirable people, citizens, illegal aliens, terrorists...anyone that the president decides is a threat. 385 million dollars has been allocated for this project over a five year period, according the Journal of Counter Terrorism and Homeland Security International.

The Patriot Act allows the feds to spy on us.

The Military Commissions Act has done away with the principle of habeas corpus, due process. That means you no longer have a right to know why you’ve been arrested and what the charges are against you. It also allows the president to decide just what constitutes torture.

Public Law 109-364 allows the president to declare martial law at his discretion.

The new law rewrites the Insurrections Act and does away with the protections of Posse Comitatus.

Only one senator spoke out against Bush and his new laws. No media has chosen to cover the story.

Welcome to 1984. Say hello to Big Brother, but do it quietly somebody is definitely watching.

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