
Hey White People, "when Massa Speaks, How High do you Jump?"

(update from previous version)

Hey white people, got a question....now that the rich elite have destroyed the middle class, what are you going to do?

There is no middle ground anymore....poor white people are back to being on equal footing with black people....just like back in slavery days in America.

Prior to 1670....poor white people were treated the same as an African slave....Then rich whites got scared.....because when you added black slaves to white indentured servants....the rich guys who owned the plantations were greatly outnumbered...

They feared the po' folks would come in the night and slit their throats and steal their property, in similar fashion to what happened in France during the beheadings during the Revolution....

So they created laws to divide and conquer....stacked the deck, if you will...convinced poor whites they were better than black people....that they were just like rich people...except for the money and property, of course...made them think they could marry their rich daughters and become just like them, (wink, wink). They had white skin and were christian....not like those uncivilized non christian blacks from Africa...you can read here.

And poor whites jumped at the chance to be seen as the same...not equal....never equal...because who doesn't want to better themselves...the choice is understandable.

But understand.....racism....has always really been about class....not skin color.

The game they created back in the day is still working today...... rich  people sit back and watch poor white people...the “scum of the earth”(their words for you) do battle for them against the black African “savages”(their words for us).

An on-going gladiator contest......you against us....them in the stands.

The tea party, the libertarian party, the AIP, the GOP and the Democrats.. for that matter are not and never were grass roots organizations....they are funded by rich people like Karl Rove,  Dick Armey, George Soros....Liz Cheney...Dick Cheney...The billionaire Koch brothers....or the Rupert Murdochs of the world.

The tea party is led by millionaires named Sarah and Glen and Rush....they don't give a damn about you...they talk for their money...they will say whatever money will have them say.

Think about it.....

They talk about tax cuts.....tax cuts for who....you've already got them....Continuing the Bush tax cuts will add a trillion dollars to the deficit and effectively bind your children and grandchildren into modern day slavery to their off spring for years and years to come

Reagan quadrupled the deficit....Bush put the deficit into the stratosphere and nearly bankrupted the country and the world.

Spending has been out of control for years....it didn't just happen within the past four years.  And prior to 2008 Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan supported the spending. They only morphed into deficit hawks when they started running for president.

Health care.....they've got it or can afford to buy it.....what about you....You have Affordable Health care unless or until Mitt Romney is elected president, then he has promised to repeal it in his first act as commander in chief of America.

Social Security....they want to do away with it.....they don't need it....they have retirement plans and golden parachutes, paid for by "we the people." Taxpayer funded and they don't even say "thanks."

Jobs....they don't need them.....they have them......you're lazy because you can't find one...and you don't need unemployment insurance...makes you lazier.

Houses.....yours is foreclosed.....theirs....they probably walked away from a mortgage or two or three...saved em some money.

Schools....they can afford the best education that money can buy....they don't need affirmative action...they have legacies....what do you have poor white people.

Perennial wars.....they don't fight them....you do..... Romney has five, count-em, five deferments....Cheney got five deferments...said he had other priorities then protecting his country.....George W went AWOL for a year....Mitch McConnell got some mysterious discharge...hidden and secret to this day.

Mitt said a couple of days ago that he didn't feel Afghanistan was important enough to mention in his acceptance speech down in Tampa.  Americans are dying in the longest fought war, ever and he doesn't think it's important?

Even when they join they don't serve....they have you, poor white people, as cannon fodder......their kids go to college...yours die in some god forsaken country on the other side of the world...sometimes killed by friendly fire....quietly buried so you never find out the truth.

NAFTA....global trade....outsourced jobs from America....the rich get richer...bigger profits....America dies....middle class disappears.

Mitt Romney is so bullish on America that he keeps his money overseas in secret accounts.  He likes and trusts our system that much.

America's economic  problems didn't happen in the past four years....this has been going on for the past 30-40 years, and the current GOP candidate is doubling down on past failures. Romney wants to go backward because he stands to make beaucoup bucks off your dumb ass.

That cushion making you seemingly better than blacks is gone...you're in the same boat...as a Mexican swimming the Rio Grande to freedom.

But you'd never know it to hear you talk about it...They control you with fear....nothing more...your fear of being seen as the same as a black or brown man.

Listen to poor whites....in the same boat as poor blacks....and what do they say.....they admit there are problems.

no jobs....no benefits....too many wars.....but they blame blacks and browns and other things.

To be sure....some whites have awakened and do understand....the ones who went after the Wall Street rich guys in their exclusive neighborhoods...rattled a few enclaves.

Scared the rich guys...but not enough....they still make huge profts while the rest of us flounder.

If we're to take any lessons from history....then it should come from the French Revolution and go after the guys behind the big iron gates.

Time to go band together on our common ground...and go after those who have always had the cake.

Time for us to eat some too.

Isn't it time for you to take the blinders off and to vote for your own self interest...rather than the rich white guy who is spitting at you like he spits at me?

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