
Romney/Ryan's Got a Boner for America

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, two to the manor born rich guys with a hard on for the middle class, senior citizens and poor people. They don't like “we the people” and they have authored, created or supported programs solely designed to destroy us, period.

There is no other way to look at it. Romney/Ryan will be the death of us all, if this ticket makes it to the White House.

For Example:
  1. Privatizing social security-in the Ryan budget
  2. “Fixing” medicare-in the Ryan budget
  3. Destruction of the social safety net for families and the poor-is the Ryan budget
  4. Open warfare on women-in the Ryan budget

By embracing Paul Ryan as his running mate, Mitt Romney has completed his deal with the devil and become the mouth of ultra right conservatives and the tea bag nation. He ensures that he will continue to get the money while the rest of us get shafted.

Fully 3/5th of the proposed cuts in the Ryan budget come from programs that make up the federal safety net to keep poor people surviving, including gutting job training programs, pell grants and food stamps.

Back in the day, that 3/5th number was used to tell slave owners how much of a slave they could count for property and how much was considered human. Poor people are being reduced to less than human, once again, by two clueless rich guys.

Paul Ryan's budget  is so severe that the national organization of Catholic Bishops called the cuts “unjustified and wrong.” In a letter the bishops accused the strict catholic Ryan of shredding “moral obligation” to the poor and needy of this nation. Ryan responded to the bishops by telling them he was merely helping the poor to kick their habit of dependence of the government.

Ryan's method is kind of like taking a two year old and throwing him into the deep end of the pool and walking away, in order to teach him to swim. If he drowns, oh well.

And while the less than rich are dying off, the Romney/Ryan approach would cut taxes even further, showering the upper 1% with even more wealth (29% tax bracket) to sock away in some tax haven in the islands south of America.

As for the war on women, which the GOP says does not exist, ever hear of the “Let women die act?”

HR 358 was a piece of legislation that passed the House by a 252 to 172 vote, with 15 democrats joining republicans in an attempt to get the measure made into law. Paul Ryan, Mitt's newly minted VP choice voted in favor of this bill which would have allowed hospitals to refuse emergency treatment to women in nearly all medical circumstances.  Mitt Romney has now officially signed onto this way of thinking. This of course is in addition to denying any type of preventive health care that women need to stay healthy in the first place.

Romney/Ryan is pro-birth, anti-choice, anti-women's health care in toto.

Romney/Ryan would migrate senior citizens off Medicare as we currently know it and onto a voucher system. This voucher system would give seniors a certain amount of money for their health care, forcing them to negotiate with the insurance companies for benefits and coverage.

The Congressional Budget Office says that 10 years into this program seniors would be paying $6400 more out of pocket then they do now for the very same health care.

It goes on and on. Every line of the Romney/Ryan plan for America is nothing more than a restatement of the fantasy land created by atheist author Ayn Rand in her books which espouse “screw thy neighbor” as her main philosophical outlook.

Ryan has said on the record, Rand was his reason for going into politics in the first place.

Needless to say, Romney/Ryan is anti LGBT everything..against ENDA, against repeal of DADT, against same sex marriage.

Just what we need...the leader of the prick posse teaming up with the playground bully.


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