
Obamaville 2012

Ain't nothin' like a day in Obamaville. It is simply amazing how hanging out with people, happy, concerned, caring individuals of all shapes, sizes, ages and hues makes me feel.

It's like revisiting a Love-in from back in the 60's- “turn on, tune in,” but we're not dropping out. We're just getting started.


Obamaville, that magical place, appearing out of nowhere like Brigadoon, following the President from city to city as he tries to save us from ourselves.

Suddenly, all those emotions from 2008 have come storming back, purging all the false and negative bullshit that we've been swimming through these past few years.

Romney, The Republicans, The teabaggers are forgotten. Hell, Romney is toast if today is any indication.

The numerous cries of “Fired Up” rang through the hood, startling the joggers and walkers returning from Eden Park. Motorists passing by honked their horns. After all, it was 9AM on a Saturday morning-a rainy one at that.

The only thing missing was someone handing out Mimosas and biscuit sandwiches.


My people-watching was interrupted by a woman who professed the same sort of happiness that I was feeling, but she told me she is afraid.

Of what? I asked. Thinking she might have been nervous about the neighborhood or street where we stood talking.

No. She said it was the state of America and wondering whether or not the village would return to help Obama get re elected. She wants him back.

Well, if today is any indication, I said, Romney is in trouble.

Pay no attention to the pundits and their 24/7 doom-saying. Remember, they got it wrong in 2008, too, I reminded her.

Talked to a woman of color but not Black American, who asked me if you had to be registered to vote in order to get a ticket.

Hearing her accent, I didn't bother to harangue about voting. I simply told her all you gotta do is to get in line. She smiled as did her husband and two year old that they were towing along. Her hubby or significant other looked like any run of the mill white man, and he let her do the talking so I can only surmise if he could vote, wanted to vote or was in the same situation as his lady.

They all smiled. That is all that matters in Obamaville.

I arrived amidst a downpour two and a half hours before the tickets to the speech were due to be handed out. Still the line was halfway down the block, with people telling me they'd arrived around 8AM.

By the time the doors opened, the line stretched a full two blocks with more people arriving. The late comers telling me they'd heard about it on the news.

The President will speak on Monday at Music Hall in Downtown Cincinnati.

The newly renovated Washington Park will host Obamaville on that day. The Park just reopened this past week to much fanfare and the World Choir Games.

Gonna be a party. An Obama Party that started today and won't end until November 6th.



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