
Congress on Vacation?! Nigga Please!

Hey lawmakers...

Now, how you gon go on vacation when the job ain't finished yet? Sure you raised the debt ceiling, elevating what should have been a footnote on the national conversation into an attention-grabbing headline. That's been your MO since BHO took office. But the job's not done. It ain't over yet!

What about the Federal Aviation Administration?

I guess I should pat you on the back, while you go play in the sunshine, mistress in tow, with your third trophy wife and privately educated, very privileged brats,  because you're saving America 16-million dollars a year by allowing the FAA to crash and burn...Congratulations!

Your fake-ass fascade of fiscally responsible legislator  is intact...until you look at the details.

Shutting down the FAA  is costing the American taxpayer 30-million dollars a day, with the bandido airlines laughing all the way to the bank.

How is this a good thing? As bad as I am at math...this is crazy! It's like using a glock to hunt ants at a picnic....Crazy! Totally batshit crazy!

Save $16 million over 365 days, while losing $30 million a day on every one of those 365 days..

I repeat...how is this a good thing?

All ya'll ran on jobs platforms while campaigning for office...you been beating Obama over the head because nobody is working...yet...the FAA shutdown has caused more than 40,000 people to be laid off and countless thousands more to continue working without a paycheck...and all because you want to stand on political principle to prove your point.

How is this a good thing?  From your vantage point on the beach, surely you can see this is a problem..

I mean what happens if one of those guys who ain't gittin' paid decides to doze off from lack of sleep or food..take his eyes off the monitor with a big ass jumbo jet baring down on some unsuspecting airport runway loaded with regional puddle jumpers lining up for take off? Huh?

Do I have to point out that you...Congress...are still getting paid...you haven't missed a paycheck during any of these back to back to back made up crises...your paychecks are classified as emergency funds by law...which means you will get paid when there is no money for anyone or anything else in the entire country.....just like the sanctity of  your health care and your one man-one woman marriages...you will have it all...regardless...

Congress makes the laws...and since all bills must originate in the House of Representatives, you've protected yourself.... tucking away your paychecks and your automatic pay raises, in a remote facility safe from fallout...while repeatedly hanging the rest of us out to dry.

Does that seem fair to you? Do you understand that we the people might be a little pissed off?

And what about the unemployed...you been dangling them over the fire for months...refusing to extend unemployment insurance or create jobs...while the states cut aid to the formerly middle class and poverty stricken under class.

The poor bear the brunt of your folly while you trade blond lobbyist girlfriends,  fiddle around with hookers or your assistant's wife or eat cake. The country...meantime.. is caught between a rock...no jobs...and a hard place...an uncaring Congress...

America's first pundit was a guy by the name of Wil Rogers..a Native American, jack of all trades good guy.

Back in 1931 Rogers delivered a speech called "Bacon, Beans and Limousines." It happened in midst of the Great Depression, and truer words were never spoken.

During that speech, Rogers told the public that America is the only country in the world where the poor can drive themselves to the poor house, because everybody in America has a car..even poor people.

Today it  is a good thing we all have cars, because in this so called Recession of 2007-2011...in case your house gets taken away by the mortgage company...you will still have someplace to live...at least until the bank loan on the car gets called..

Only in America..

1 comment:

  1. I suspect that some of these baggers will want to run back to the safety of DC. Morons one and all.
