
Congressmen Worth More Than a Soldier....In Whose World?

Under the rules of a government shutdown, congress gets paid...but the "boots on the ground...in the air and manning the ships" don't....

I don't get that.

They are willing to die for us....they are willing to defend this messed up bigoted, racist, backward society for us...they are willing to march into hell and pull dictators out of worm holes so that we can drink Starbucks at 5-dollars a pop and drive around in gas guzzling big ass SUVs while living in one house that would easily shelter four generations of four third world families comfortably, as we watch all the bloody action on TV, like a video game from the sanctity  of our 2000 sq ft living room.

Yet...they can't get paid for their service...It's not enough that they have to buy their own body armor in this illegal warfare....Now, if they survive the illegal wars in the first place....they can't feed their families....they can't pay their mortgages...send their kids to good and safe schools....they can't even count on reasonable and safe medical care for their injuries...nor can their wives get reasonable and safe medical care..just because she is a female...

I don't get that...

The only thing a soldier should have to do when he comes home from war is to put his military Id on the counter and get the services, the goods and medical care that he's risked his life to guarantee for the rest of us.

It's the least we can do to say thank you.

If the government is going to shutdown....then shut the mafuka down....ALL THE WAY...nobody gets paid...period...

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