
Combating Crazy-Quotes from the Right

Do you really, really want these people to govern over you?.....Vote November 2nd

It's easy to kick somebody when they're down. George W. Bush has dealt with more difficult issues than any president since Franklin Roosevelt. And I've told my colleagues it's time that we go stand up for the president. “-John Boehner


Make no mistake, a 'yes' vote on the Democrats' health care bill is a vote for taxpayer-funded abortions. “-John Boehner


When we give a subsidy, the benefits to the public ought to exceed the benefits to the company. When it doesn't, that's our definition of corporate welfare. “-John Kasich

Okay...so you understand the problem...paying lipservice is simply not enough, though


''If you don't hold us accountable, we'll do some real bad things in Washington, D.C.''-John Ensign had affair with his wife of best friend and chief of staff..


''My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed. You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior. They don't know any better.'' -Lt Gov of South Carolina Andre Bauer.(closeted gay man who votes anti gay)


''They were doing what they thought was right for their country.''-Ohio GOP Candidate, Rich Iott who likes dressing up as a Nazi in order to bond with his kid. Iott is a Boehner protege.


''Do you know, where does this phrase 'separation of church and state' come from? It was not in Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists. ... The exact phrase 'separation of Church and State' came out of Adolph Hitler's mouth, that's where it comes from. So the next time your liberal friends talk about the separation of Church and State ask them why they're Nazis.''- Tea Party/GOP Candidate Glen Urquhart from Delaware...

Didn't Jefferson live before Adolf...so maybe Adolf stole it from him, ya think?


'''Refudiate,' 'misunderestimate,' 'wee-wee'd up.' English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!''- Written by whoever puts the words into Sarah Palin's mouth


''We had no domestic attacks under Bush; we've had one under Obama.'' -Rudy Guiliani...wasn't he mayor of New York on 9/11, while Bush was president?

I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself.'' Ronald Reagan


I'm not a witch.....I'm you.”-Chrissy the Pooh, Candidate for Senate from Delaware


''The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.''-Pat Robertson....

Wonder what he thinks about all of Sarah's new feminists/Momma Grizzlies vying for office...


''[Obama] wouldn't have been voted president if he weren't black. Somebody asked me over the weekend why does somebody earn a lot of money have a lot of money, because she's black. It was Oprah. No, it can't be. Yes, it is. There's a lot of guilt out there, show we're not racists, we'll make this person wealthy and big and famous and so forth.... If Obama weren't black he'd be a tour guide in Honolulu or he'd be teaching Saul Alinsky constitutional law or lecturing on it in Chicago.''-Rush Limbaugh


''So that's what we want is a secure and sovereign nation and, you know, I don't know that all of you are Latino. Some of you look a little more Asian to me. I don't know that. What we know, what we know about ourselves is that we are a melting pot in this country. My grandchildren are evidence of that. I'm evidence of that. I've been called the first Asian legislator in our Nevada State Assembly.''-Sharron Angle

Should we really mess with her mind and tell her that all life began in Africa in the first place?


''African-American is a bogus, PC, made-up term. I mean, that's not a race. Your ancestry is from Africa and now you live in America.'' -Glen Beck

Somebody better tell him that Caucasian not a race either....all made up terms for bigots to differentiate among peoples of the human race..the only legitimate race.


''Obama should be executed.''-Wisconsin GOP Chairman Reince Priebus

''I had surgery and I can't lift luggage. That's why I hired him.''-Reverend George Rekkers, co-founder of the Family Research Council

To explain why he was vacationing with a buff young gay man he rented on Rentboy.com


''I hope that's not where we're going, but you know if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.''-Sharron Angle

1 comment:

  1. James Baldwin's message to Angela Davis continues as a warning for us all. Please keep posting here and remember, we can all send The President encouraging emails. He and His are struggling mightily to FIX THE SHIT. They need our energy and our light because as the Crazies advance on our USA, we MUST never forget Jimmy's words. "For, if they take you in the morning, they will be coming for us that night."
