
GOP Anticipation

Wow! The Good Ole Party of No is sooooooooo sure it's got the mid term elections on lockdown, that it is already telling us, in real terms, what it plans to do over the next two years, starting in January..

They plan to:
  1. Abolish the public school system...not just the federal Department of Education..the whole system
  2. Privatize and cut back on Social Security
  3. Privatize and eliminate Medicare and Medicaid
  4. Eliminate Food Stamps for everyone
  5. Eliminate federal minimum wage right after they eliminate unemployment insurance
  6. Repeal Health Care Reform
  7. Repeal all new banking regulations or gut them back to what they were when Bush ran the country.
  8. Keep Don't Ask, Don't Tell in place
  9. Keep foreign money flowing secretly into GOP coffers
  10. Kick all brown immigrants out of the country
  11. Forever ban gay marriage
  12. Roll back all anti discrimination and anti affirmative action legislation
  13. Repeal all pro choice laws and ban birth control
  14. Repeal the 14th Amendment to the Constitution
  15. Bring back slavery, reinterpret the Constitution to allow for establishment of a national religion
Okay that last one would literally start a war.....but some of them think they can win that
too...they've armed for that one for a long time...they call it RAHOWA or racial holy war....google it if you don't believe me....

And, the coup de grace....they are going to try to impeach Obama....just like they did with
Clinton....WHY?....you ask...or HOW?

Don't matter....They will think of something...They don't need reasons...this is payback for putting a Black man in the White House...their house...as they see it.....

And who is making all these promises....ALL OF THEM...THE CANDIDATES...THE GOP/ TEABAGGERS....and they just know the Blue Dog Dems will help them out....this is their hole card..

Pick one... Pick a state....it's nationwide.....from Boehner and Iott, the Nazi...to Chrissy the Pooh....to Sharron “I am so confused” Angle...to Alaska Joe Miller....to Rand “maybe doctor-maybe not” Paul the younger....to Nikki “I did not have sex with that assistant” Haley....to Comb Over Steve Chabot...to Rob “I wrote Bush's Budget” Portman...to Ken “it's okay to F*** up women when they're drunk” Buck...to the Grand Dame of all....Lady Sarah...

All 18% of em....gonna take back their country....

Sitting quietly in the wings.....Mother Mitch McConnell...he of the sealed and secretive army discharge papers....to run things for the party with the help of Big Jim DeMint and Eric “somebody shot at me” Cantor...

Vote, people....don't talk...don't think...just vote...in person or by mail....

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