
You Should Vote Republican in November

If....You believe that a party who admits it has no legislation and therefore no solution to the problem is better at governing America..

"We will lose on legislation. But we will win the message war every day, and every week, until November 2010,"........ "Our goal is to bring down approval numbers for [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and for House Democrats. That will take repetition. This is a marathon, not a sprint." -Rep. Patrick McHenry, GOP North Carolina

You should vote Republican in November if..........you believe that John McCain, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, David Vitter, Haley Barbour, Michele Bachmann, Virginia Fox, Linsey Graham, Jim DeMint and Mitch McConnell can do a better job of keeping this country out of an economic depression.

You should vote Republican in November if.....you believe this country should go to war with Iran while allowing Israel to simultaneously pull us into in a war with Palestine within the next two years, and that's before we get out of Afghanistan.

You should vote Republican in November if...... you really believe that tax cuts for the wealthiest 10th of the American population will translate into 15 million middle class jobs instead of a trillion dollar increase in the deficit over the next generation.

You should vote Republican in November if.......you really believe that the GOP WILL force big business to bring back all those outsourced jobs to the third world and put Americans back to work.

You should vote Republican in November if......you believe that out of work Americans are lazy and can't find a new job because they're not looking.

You should vote Republican in November if......you think unemployment insurance benefits gives people a reason NOT to look for a job.

You should vote Republican in November if.....you believe that the GOP will end DADT and repeal DOMA while allowing Domestic Partner benefits to stay on the books...

You should vote Republican in November if.....you think medicare, medicaid and social security should be privatized or eliminated altogether.

You should vote Republican in November if.....you think health care reform should be repealed and 40 million Americans don't need health insurance.

You should vote Republican in November if.....you think the public school system should be shut down

You should vote Republican in November if......big business should be allowed to leverage elections in favor of the candidates who benefit business most.

You should vote Republican in November if.....you believe this really is your country and you need to take back control.

You should vote Republican if......you believe it's okay to actively discriminate against gay people until you, yourself get forced out of the closet and made to reveal your own hidden sexual proclivities.

You should vote Republican if......you believe it's okay to rail against the stimulus as not working while taking credit for it back home.

You should vote Republican if........you believe, it's okay to drink your dinner daily, patronize prostitutes, cheat on your wife, and employ wife beaters on your staff while castigating anyone else who engages in similar behavior as morally bankrupt.

You should vote Republican if........you feel America needs a state religion.

You should vote Republican if.........you believe women are incapable of making their own decisions and don't deserve equal pay for equal work

You should vote Republican if.........you believe that global warming is a myth...that the glaciers are not melting...the continents not sinking....and mother nature can handle the ozone problem naturally without any help from those of us who created the problem in the first place.

You should vote Republican if........you really and truly believe that come Nov 3rd, when the GOP takes over, the world will revert back to the way it was....

That Sarah Palin or a man named Newt are the next coming of Ronald Reagan and John Wayne combined...
That Obama won't be president....
That Black people, women and gays will stop being so uppity and visible...
That everyone will suddenly seek their answers from a christian god...
That all Mexicans and Chicanos will suddenly decide to go home to Mexico...
That Darwinism will disappear from science books or slavery will disappear from history books....
That Muslims will be stripped of their citizenship, even if they were born here....

That Pat Boone will do a cover of Gin n Juice and rocket to the top of the BillBoard Charts, putting vanilla rock back in control on the radio...

Or, that the world will end on 2012 ...or earlier in May, 2011, if you believe in a certain evangelical preacher in California...

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I just re-found your blog in my bookmarks and have been reading backward starting today.

    So far I'm agreeing with a lot of what you are saying, not all but a lot.

    Anyway, I just wanted to point out that the whole "GOP wants to privatize SS" is pretty misleading.

    Under Bush you could voluntarily put some (4% of income, less than a third of the 12.4% we are already contributing) into private accounts if you were under 55. These accounts would be the same government backed accounts that they use for their own pensions.

    There still is a risk but there might be a reward too. SS was never meant to be your sole retirement plan.
