
Friday Rap- I'm Tired Edition

You know if this were any other country on the planet....enclaves like Beverly Hills, Wilmette, Indian Hill, The Upper East Side, North Hampton to name just few....would have gone up in flames by now during this economic crisis...I mean we Americans are the only poor people in the world who defend a rich man's right to screw us over time and time again.

We send our kids to fight illegal wars, while they send theirs to Oxford or St. Andrews, or someplace in Canada...

We castigate each over whether or not they should have tax breaks...nevermind that it never...ever trickles down to us....ever...

We fight each other over race and religion calling each other names on the 24/7 news cycle....while they sit back and watch the dust up...

We sit back and argue about whether or not Barbie has a brain, rather than condemn our patriarchal hierachy's continuing fascination with stupid, useless women....and yes...it's a sex thing....men don't want to marry or be led by the Sarah Palins and Palin clones of the world...they simply want to fuck them and go home to their trophy wives.

We women outnumber men as voters...yet we are still begging them for permission to control our own bodies and make a living wage paycheck.

I'm tired of Black people who stand up and say they are “tired of defending this president.” as if he really was Barack the Magic Negro and hasn't pulled off the magic trick to make everybody happy and content and equal....

I'm tired of Negroes who don't understand that Obama winning the White House was the equivalent of winning a battle...not a war...

I don't understand why Obama won't issue an executive order halting DADT...but heckling him for it...is like a dog biting the hand of the one who feeds him....stupid and childish...

And yes, I'm frustrated with some of his policy choices....but given the alternative....I will defend him until he leaves office...I may punch a few holes in the wall from time to time...but hey, that's life...

Life happens....not necessarily when you want it...but when it's supposed to..


Bishop Eddie Long

Question: Does the entire Black community suffer from fag hag-itis? This homophobe was preening in the mirror ya'll...Those pics reminded me of Calvin Lockhart as Frankie J Parker in the movie Melinda. You know the scene I'm talking about.....Parker looking at himself in the mirror...”you are one pretty muthafucka.”

How many of these sorry ass closet cases have to tumble out of their personal prisons before the Black community wakes up and starts to deal with its rampant and virulent homophobia.

It's not a sin to be who you are....it's the truth....

Men who work the religion hustle are not men of god....they are no different then the corporate raiders who plunder America Monday through Friday, leaving the religious pimps to work the weekends.

The Black community must begin to think for itself and stop looking for a slave master, a miss daisy, or a white man or preacher or a Black president to save them....

Slaves were emancipated in 1865...isn't it time some of you started acting like it....


Pledge to America

No different than the Contract on America from 1994...I'm getting tired of the GOP thinking I'm stupid...that all of us are still stupid...



For all the old people of the teabagger movement to build a bonfire and toss in their social security cards, medicare cards including plan B, and their social security checks....If they truly want to live in a free market society...they should lead the way...don't cha think?

Still waiting...

For the GOP in congress to give back their health care benefits and pensions since they want to repeal health care for us and cut government spending for everyone except their rich cronies...


John Kasich is running for Governor of Ohio

The man from Lehman brothers is running ads touting his balancing of the federal budget back in the 90's when he was a congressman...

He was chairman of the Budget committee when the Federal Government did balance the budget and run a surplus, which Dubya promptly squandered on two illegal wars and tax cuts for his friends and family...

What Kasich is not telling you in his ads is that he was in Congress while Democrat Bill Clinton was president and it's the president who gets the credit....not the Republican Budget Committee Chairman.

His ad leaves the impression that he did all that heavy lifting by himself....

If Kasich ran for congress today...he would probably have to run as a Democrat because the GOP and teabaggers would find him too liberal to be a republican..

Besides Kasich was the man who convinced Ohio to invest with Lehman Brothers causing old seniors to lose their pensions big time...

I'm still in Strickland's corner....and Justin Coussoule who is running against John Boehner...and Steve Driehaus...who is being challenged by the hirsute challenged Steve Chabot..

Another retread named Rob Portman is running, too...He was Dubya's budget man....Now he wants to be Senator....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

1 comment:

  1. I can understand your feeling written in the article but i need to say something actually not only your country is struggling many countries are struggling even today so be happy that we still live in this world.

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