
Sarah Palin Can't Even Spell Cojones-Print that on your T-shirt!

Sarah Palin accusing President Obama of not having the balls to do something....anything …..is beyond hypocritical...

COJONES!? From Palin....the one who quit four times through college...once in that land of diversity known as Hawaii because there were too many brown people around her....who...having won the governorship of Alaska....quit halfway through her first term...to seek fame and fortune...elsewhere...

Who....refuses to talk to reporters not from FOX because she fears how they may portray her......Is that what she calls having cojones?

I thought having balls meant you did it anyway...whether it scared you or not...you pushed on through the fear and grew some.....

If she'd read anything besides the funny pages in the Wasilla Chronicle...she might have run across this......”Without fear, I die only once”

Or maybe this.......”I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain”

Both quotes uttered by some really, really powerful women, known as the Bene Gesserit Nuns...from the Novel Dune by Frank Herbert. The book may be a work of fiction....but the words and thoughts are very real.

I first read those words when I was 12 and they stick with me to this day....

Bene Gesserit Nuns...by the way.. would eat Grizzly Bears for lunch if they weren't vegetarians...

Lady Sarah must really like dying....over and over and over and over....with her foot planted firmly in her mouth...

And enough with the snow-billy teleprompter...it was cute the first time...now it's merely tiring...

Por lo tanto, por favor Sara, que puta ignorante ... no más ... por favor......no mas!

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