
Friday Rap

Whut I did fer Sumer Vakation
John G. Bigott

Now I no whut it means when folks say “dawg daise of sumer.” Jeez itz hott!. Maid the tics on my dawg Bull Conor jump right offin his back n go unnergroun to keep cool. I got my bes sunburn this sumer when I got to go to my furst protest rally in R-rizona whur I waz away vistin fambly. Ya see ma unkle is the shuriff and he don' cotton to no Mexcans in his town. Hiz town is only for good pipple and good imigrants, u no, the onez hoo look like us n got papers n don spek Mexcan n not so dark complekted. I no that dark thing is hard cause they do work in the sun a lot, but mebbe they could use some tan oil and not git so dark, then mebbe the good pipple would like em beter n my unkle n his deputiees would not have to rrest em.

After the protest rally me and my momma went to Walmart. We had Mike Savage on the radeo talkin bout imigration az we wuz drivin to the stor. I like whut he said n u said use at leest one quote from somone real, so here goes..

“The scourge of illegal immigrants… are running rampant across America, killing our police for sport, raping, murdering like a scythe across America. The Statue of Liberty is crying, she’s been raped and disheveled. Raped and disheveled by illegal aliens!”-Mike Savage.

That Mike Savage sure nose how to talk even if he is a jew and gay, too. But thas his bizness.

Me n Momma had ta git some writin paper n som pens so we cud writ leters to tha socilist gubmit in Washton DC. Thatz why we wen to Walmart. Long wit raizin our taxes they playin favritz wit them black panther party pipple. U'd think that Husane Obama wud no beter than to play favritz wit his own kine. Dem to black panther people wuz scarring pipple tryin ta exerciz their constitutional rite ta vote. We gud pipple don do it n neether shud he.. He sposz to represen all a us, equally. Glen Beck, gawd bless im is right, he iz a racist agin white pipple. Me n momma waz goin to go to DC to help Mr. Beck reestorr th honor of our country, but we had to go home cuz we run out a money, ain't worked in a cupla years, thanks ta them dam socilists in Washnton. 'Sides, we cudn't take our guns to the rally, som kine of stoopid commie law in DC. Jus proovs how twisted Washton is, when gud pipple caint carry their weapons in public.

On the way home me n momma wuz listnin to tha radeo n Dr. Laura talkn to that nigra woman hoo maried to that race traitor huzband of herz. She mad cuz his friens keep callin her the N word...Leest hiz friens git it rite. Don't see no problem with that. Just cuz her huzband wants to step outside his race don means his friens got to go long wit it. Like Dr. Laura said, “gro som Nigger!” or somthin like that. Not xactly tha same words, but clos. U no whut i'm sayin'.

It wuz a mitey gud thing gubnor Sarah Palin spoke out in deefens uf tha gud Dr. Laura. Sarah tellz it like it is. She don minc no words. Sarah gon be prezident come 2012 n then tha country will git rite, jus like Alaska. Sarah n Dr. Laura, they ain't rasists. They gud pipple, both of em! These gud wimmin tell it like it is, that Obama n his kine r the real rasists in Amurica, dam rite! Always tryin ta make us pay for slavery when we ain't got nothin to do wit it. That wuz a long time ago. Itz over! So git over it! Git a job n stop whinin, for gawd's sake!.

Momma tole me we wuz gonna campain for tha tee partie candidates at home. Well, we ain't got one of those on the ballot, but we got a guy who wans to emprove the Constitution n make it beter for the gud pipple of Amurica. He wans to take out some amenments like the 14th n tha 17th . N then he wans to put som teeth nto tha 2nd n 10th. Momma sez hez the rite man for Washton. He will go there and tell Barak Husane Obama a thing or too. Yessir, he will n we will take bak r country and make it honorable agin. Jus like Glen Beck said.

Me n momma innded our sumer protestn aginst that groun zero mosque in NY. Now that's an abomination. Itz aginst gawd n a insult to the pipple who died on 9/11. the pipple who wan to build this mosque ain't real Amuricans. No real Amurican is muzlim. All real Amuricans is Christians jus like the founding fathers. They wan to build a mosque, then go home an build one.

Thatz how I spent my sumer vakation. The end n Gawd Bless Amurica.


"This is going to be a moment that you'll never be able to paint people as haters, racists, none of it. This is a moment, quite honestly, that I think we reclaim the civil rights movement. It has been so distorted and so turned upside down. It is an abomination."-Glen Beck
The only abomination in this whole charade is Glen Beck, FOX's Bozo the Clown...We're all being played by this fool!
And you know what...he's winning....he's winning because we keep reacting to the stupid shit that is coming out of his mouth.....
It goes like this......Mormon Boy or his partner in crime..the newly married, still closeted Limpwrist says something they feel is provocative....notice they never move their lips in the same week...so as not to step on each other's thunder...
The feckless mainstream media picks it up.....loops it thru the 24/7 news cycle til somebody responds..then it's on for another day or two or three....
We are being punk'd ….Beck ain't in it because he believes what he says...He is a radio host....a shock jock on the grandest scale....this high school drop out has stumbled upon the biggest audience of his career...did he ever get his GED?
And he is getting paid to say shit....not stuff....not anything that makes sense...but shit...to stir the pot and to piss people off...and right now....it's working...
Same with the Snowbilly from Alaska.....that's going to be some love fest on Saturday. She thinks she's a provocateur ( oops! did I use another big word she won't understand, again?)....maybe...but a clueless one...
Bozo the Clown meets the Snowbilly under the watchful eyes of the National Rifle Association...
“Beck to the NRA...leave your guns at home”....as if the fat boys with big bellies and automatic rifles on their shoulders can really react fast enough to be a threat...
MLK never had to tell anybody not to hurt people..even as the civil rights marchers were getting their heads bashed in by self proclaimed god fearing Christians with guns and dogs and fire hoses, whose descendants will undoubtedly be standing at Bozo's feet come Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial
Somebody please hip these fools to the truth...which is that you really have to say dangerous.....status quo busting stuff to get killed in America...
kind of like the stuff that comes out of Obama's mouth...
Nobody is gonna shoot Bozo...unless he pays them....because the truth is....his shit is not worth listening to....much less dying for...
I am so over Laura Schlessinger.....I've got her right up there on the shelf next to Anita Bryant and Phyllis Schlafly....
By the way....Has Schlafly let her son come out of the closet yet?
Got to figure the GOP queens will now all come marching down main street now that Ken Melman is officially out and kinda proud....
He's rich, white and male....gay doesn't change his world...ever....
Bristol Palin on Dancing with the Stars...
The end times may not be upon us...but the death of reality TV is just around the corner...
Bristol Palin on Dancing with the Stars...BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!
And no....I'm not gonna watch just to see if she falls on her ass....

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that the ugly (inside and out) crazy old gym teacher reaped what she had sowed. She could have gotten her argument across by saying “N word” and not using the word and by not saying “don’t NAACP me” and “Don’t marry out of your race ” but like Michael Richards AKA “Cosmo Kramer”, she ends up the trash heap of history, a history of her own making. I am so happy that the free market AKA sponsors started to pull their ads (I guess they were exercising their free speech) and she finally realized that she was just another “run of the mill gabby” and her days were numbered. She realized that she was not as smart as she thought she was, finally! We are all adults here and we all know that we cannot control how others will respond to our comments, but it nothing to do about First Amendment rights (how exactly did the government stop her? They didn’t) and street talk and more about being held responsible for our actions and words. The first three times she used the word might not have been in anger but the last eight she was filled with hate, so good riddance.

    Palin was the one who got bent over the use of the word “Retard” (she wanted someone fired for using it once), Palin also said that the people have the right to build the Mosque in NY, but out of respect for the 9/11 families they shouldn’t, but I guess this same standard is not applicable to Laura Schlessinger. Do you see the hypocrisy? The problem with Palin is the same when she mistakenly referred to Ronald Reagan Eureka College, being in California and we all know its in Illinois, same thing, she does not fact check anything she is going to say. She is soooo Palin!



