
Cincinnati Pride

(Friday Rap will return next week)

Cincinnati is coming out of the closet this weekend like a drunken GOP congressman caught driving his boyfriend home after a night at the bar.

It's Pride Weekend in Cincinnati! Happy Pride!

Of course it wouldn't be Pride without some cat fighting and controversy.

The activities being moved downtown has some upset...Well girlfriends....it's supposed to be downtown...that is where it began in 1973.....Downtown...on Fountain Square.....where everyone...the entire city was invited to join in....Cumminsville....OOPs!....Northside....was the backup plan...

If the bar owners of “Northside” wanted it to stay in “Northside”....they should have jumped in and taken over the Pride organization when the Community Center said it could no longer do the parade and festivities..

As it were....The rich white guys of the Gay of Chamber of Commerce stepped in, and you know, the only stage they want to showcase their fabulous-ness on is on the main stage.....and in Cincinnati...that is Fountain Square....

Others are pissed off that the rich guys have not included enough diversity...In fact I read an interview with the HWGIC who admitted as much...not enough diversity and we will do better next year he said...

Well, it's always next year for diversity....after hearing that lame bullshit for 40 years now...I turn a deaf ear and just get my own party on anyway....I've said it before....the LGBT community is no more inclusive than the still nearly all white patriarchal society that continues to rule America...even with a Black guy in the White House....

It is changing....but not yet....

Now that Cincinnati is truly growing up...maybe the Black LGBT community can stop hiding and get together like Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, and Los Angeles to name a few....and put on their own Pride Celebration...Black Pride in these cities usually happens simultaneously with it's paler and more official version...

Everyone goes to the same parade...but then it's we party ova heah with family and friends, ribs, kool aid and potato salad, ya'll ...while the white folks go to the bars and pub crawl and get drunk...

Black Pride celebrations...especially the one in Chicago reminds me of the Black Family Reunion...just a little more festive...so to speak...

Frankly....I'm a little confused about the slam of not enough activities for poor gay people to take part in....HUH!...what's the fukin parade and festival? Nobody is charging admission to stand on the street...There is a whole weekend of stuff happening on the Square...free....

I don't see anything wrong with having a Ball or big dance...Fabulous Fun...something to look forward to...save your pennies...buy new shoes....dance the night away! Fun!....

The world does not revolve around poor people.... It doesn't give a damn about middle class people even.....hasn't this current economic recession taught ya'll anything?

The point is to have fun this weekend and to remember the drag queens at Stonewall who stood up and put their asses on the line so that rest of us would no longer have to worry about getting our heads busted in just because...

So...Quityerbitchin and Dance!

Now Stand up for the National Anthem!

Happy Pride!

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