
Tea Party Arrogance or Bachmann-Palin Overdrive

“Don't let your mouth get your ass in trouble”-ghetto wisdom...

For those who don't speak nor purport to understand ghetto, the line means that sometimes the best strategy is to simply be quiet....don't talk....don't give anyone a glimpse into your mind and what you're thinking, because you will last longer before and during the fight, if it comes to that...

Running off at the mouth is a sign of weakness....a sign that you really don't have a plan and even if you did...you can't back it up with any kind of real action. Once your hole card has been peeped...folks will usually walk away shaking their heads.....however....keep talking... and they will turn around and come back and beat your ass....

Tea baggers would do well to heed the ghetto wisdom and just shut up....stop talking...because the more they talk, the less anyone wants to deal with them..or vote for them, for that matter.

Last month surveys showed a little support for the tea baggers....this month...that support has evaporated to less than half of what it was...and it wasn't a majority or even close, in the first place.

It's like what's going on with half baked Alaska....great fun to watch...but taken seriously....not!

The teabaggers won a primary...big deal....an election of the faithful...maybe 10% of the electorate? Nothing to crow about....Nothing like November, coming up...Only now...they're selling wolf tickets..playin' the dozens with the people...as if they have a mandate to govern...

First comes Rand Paul, son of Ron who isn't too thrilled with parts of the Civil Rights Act of 1964...He even went so far during his private country club victory speech to declare his gang was going to take back the country...The next day he said it was okay for business owners to keep certain people out of their establishments and that it was even okay if the denial was based on something like skin color..

Paul the younger has spent several days attempting to walk back his comments....

Meantime, another round of primaries is over and out of Nevada comes another teabagger named Sharron Angle...Ms Angle is situated to the right of the cluelessly insane rantings of the GOP Bachmann-Palin Overdrive.

Angle wants to repeal the 14th Amendment to the Constitution...you know that's the one guaranteeing citizenship to all people born here. It was put in place to protect Black people from crazy white people who felt that Blacks were only good for picking cotton and working in the sugar fields.

Now the 14th creates anchor babies for illegal immigrants and that has the tea party stirred up because as one of them ….I believe his name is Hunter, said....the little immigrant babies' “soul” hasn't been American long enough to warrant citizenship, therefore it shouldn't be granted rights...

Angle also wants to remove the 17th Amendment which shifted the election of US Senators from state legislators to the people. I would guess because the people aren't smart enough to elect the right kind of leaders..Wonder if she sees the irony...anyway..

In addition, Angle wants to abolish the Department of Education, The Internal Revenue Service, The EPA, privatize Social Security and get rid of all health care including medicare and medicaid...

Dr. Paul, the younger is also on board with these ideas, so one would imagine this is something of an unofficial Teabagger platform rumbling across America. Paul and Hunter, who is already in Congress, have signed off on this too.

However, it's never wise to telegraph what it is you intend to do, before you do it. When your goals are to dis-infranchise or to hurt big segments of the population...it is best to get elected first....if you can....then take away their rights....

Teabaggers, in their monumental arrogance, continue to operate from the premise that they speak for America, and can say anything they want without impunity.

However, it is not the only delusion under which they labor...

There is the delusion that the teabaggers are a grassroots...from the bottom up...populist political movement...instead of one created and funded by rich white guys and former operatives of the GOP...Teabaggers were created as a distraction and to obstruct the real movement taking place in the country...

Teabagger fanaticism has them believing that people.....their people are willing to give up social security...medicare and medicaid to prove the point that government is too big....

I'm still waiting for the social security/medicare card burning parties to prove they are serious about repeal.

Teabaggers believe that all people want their children to be under educated...more so than is already going on, when you compare American schools to foreign schools. White history and white washed education is really all the kids need, right? No need to learn about the others, foreign or American born.

Teabaggers believe it's okay not to tax rich people because the more money rich people have the more they are willing to spend on poor people...it's that “trickle down” thingey....like it's worked so well in the past...

And what about the oil spill....perfect example of how a small government stripped of tax revenue handles a crisis situation....it can't take over or throw money at the crisis to make it better because it has none and is not socialist in nature....

Shouldn't teabaggers be happy about what BP is doing and paying for the clean up on its own?

Doesn't sound like they are happy....Teabaggers and their leaders are foaming at the mouth and demanding that Obama the socialist nationalize BP and use government money to clean up a crisis caused by a free market corporation, apparently because the crisis is not being handled the way they think it should be handled...like...John Wayne leading the cavalry to the rescue...or to trounce the indian marauders...

Teabaggers also believe they are not racist and that nothing they do has racial overtones designed to discriminate.

Yeah...well....keep talking teabaggers.... the people are walkin away right now...but keep on talkin' and that ass whuppin' is just around the corner...can't wait for November 2nd to get here....

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