
Killing Them Softly

Fighting a war without the collateral damage, that is dead civilians.... is not possible. Yet that is apparently what America is trying to do in Afghanistan.

While the big man in charge...General McChrystal is in DC today to get his bum spanked for talking out of the side of his mouth about his commander in chief, his troops are hanging out in a kind of limbo. The most well armed army in the world is once again in danger of being swept off the playing field by a rag tag army of insurgents.

We've seen this scenario before....It was called Vietnam....and apparently we didn't learn the lesson. The other side is not bound by any rules of engagement. The other side kills whomever and whenever it deems necessary to further its cause.

American troops....hampered by political correctness and the media driven gossip scandals of what a general and his aides may have said about the commander in chief...are caught in the crossfire, undecided about who to shoot and when....

The plain fact of the matter is that you can't half-ass a war....People die in war...and that includes civilians...

If you don't want civilians to die....then don't go to their country and start a fire fight.....

Especially a war like Afghanistan....which is technically not a war according to the United States Constitution...

Which is a police action with no clear initiatives....not even finding Osama Bin Laden is a priority these days...A war with a nebulous exit strategy sometime next summer.....So why are we there again?

Is it the new found mineral deposits that our ally Hamid Karzai is promising to Japan....You can bet that all the Neocons in America are probably already invested in the Japanese companies that will dig the mines if those mineral deposits are real.....

Karzai should be treated like the bitch he is and taken outside and shot...clean house with one bullet...

Afghanistan uses 2-billion dollars per day with nothing accomplished except the deaths of young men and women....for what...

Whether the general is fired or not is not really important...McChrystal was demonstrating his allegiance to his tribe.....the tribe of white men who don't respect black male leadership....Their arrogance since 2008 gets louder and louder everyday...A fire which Obama himself stokes by his apparent passivity in all matters....Sometimes rationale doesn't work...sometimes the Alpha male must roar...

Obama, rightfully, should fire him, period....I say this understanding the catch 22 that Obama lives in daily...damned if he does...damned if he doesn't...

Firing him is a chest beating testosterone driven move that is sometimes needed to control the herd..

It would be nice at the same time...to announce an exit strategy to end this endless conflict, now..

Obama's war policy is no different than his predecessor....However, the American people need something different..

If we're serious about changing course...then let's change course......stop the wars...both of them....redirect the wasted money in the defense budget into policy that promotes better living...better energy usage...more jobs on the domestic front..

Truth be told...with the drone war fare that is going on...we don't really need troops on the ground anymore to kill people, anyway...so why not bring them home and get busy rebuilding America instead of the rest of the world..

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