
Clueless in Kentucky

Sarah Palin's teabagging minions are crowing this morning over the outcome of the election in Kentucky.

Their darling, Rand Paul, son of Ron won in what local media is calling a landslide over Mitch McConnell's handpicked puppet Trey Grayson. So much for Karl Rove's world domination plans.

Paul now goes up against the Democrat Conway in November.

During post election interviews last night and this morning, Paul declared his intention to win and to “take back his country.” …..typical tea party mantra....

Paul who was backed by crazy man retiring Senator Jim Bunning also says he wants to dismember The Fed and kill the Department of Education....

Conservatives like Paul, and republicans have been working overtime to destroy the public school system in America...that's why Charter Schools came into being along with voucher programs for private schools...Charter Schools and private schools are nothing more than a legal way to get around Brown vs Board of Education....separate and unequal...

By creating these alternatives....the majority of them bad alternatives....the public school system is floundering, under the no child left behind program monstrosity...which teaches kids to take tests...but doesn't educate them....

On GMA today, Robin Roberts called Paul on the location of his victory celebration, which was a private golf and country club....Roberts asked him if that sent the wrong message to the people he is planning to represent...

Paul did what all clueless elitists do...invoke the name of Tiger Woods to indicate that the golfing world is not as exclusive or elitist as it used to be...said Paul.....”many people play golf these days...”

True....However, very few can afford joining private, still mostly segregated golf and country clubs, Dr. Paul....even if they do allow us to join them in the first place because some of us will never ever be the right kind of American...eh, Mr. Paul...

Paul is a blank slate, waiting for someone..his dad...Sarah...somebody to write on him and point in the direction they want him to to travel...clueless...

In Philly.....Arlen Specter lost...and he should have....the guy is a proven political whore who should have been put to pasture a long time ago.

Blanche Lincoln is still holding by her finger nails...she's been pushed into a runoff...

Primaries are for the party faithful...

November is for the people...time to get to work...

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