
Glen Beck Anti Christ

Since I don't usually pollute my life with negativity if I can help it, it has taken me awhile to run upon the latest stupidity emanating from the mouth of Glen Beck. In fact, I think a better way to describe it, is to use the word blasphemy.

Glen Beck is a blasphemer (Blasphemy is irreverence toward holy personages, religious artifacts, customs, and belief). In one of his rants last week, he called on Christians to leave or turn their backs on their church.

Why? Because according to the blasphemer, any church that believes in pursuing social or economic justice for all people, is using code and is secretly attempting to drive Americans toward socialism or communism..

Huh? You heard me. Beck says any church or religion...and for the record this happens to be all of them on earth....any religion that practices or pursues social justice for all is flat out communist and real Americans should run for their lives.

He is saying turn your back on Jesus...that makes him anti-Christ...

Never mind that social justice comes straight from Jesus, himself. The concept can be found in the Gospel, in Catholic teachings, in Baptist, Methodist and Protestant teachings...all religious teachings..

Yet, Beck Anti-Christ says it's time for all true believers to leave Christianity...and do what...follow him?......join the Tea Baggers and overthrow the government?....The implication borders on sedition...

Over and over again, Jesus talks about society's responsibility to his weakest members....how it is up to us to take care of the poor, to stand with them and for them. Again and again, he says this...It is there in the Bible, if you choose to read...

In fact, my own personal ongoing problems with these super pseudo Christians running around judging everybody is that in the Bible, Jesus also says that his followers would be judged by the way they treat the poor...not where they worship...how big their church is...how much they pray...or how often they pray...of even if they pray.....It's how you treat others that counts and will get you into heaven...

That's why I know all of these super pseudo Christians are going straight to hell if there is one...simply because they don't listen to what their God is really telling them...

But leave the church because some radio monkey says so? They don't listen to Jesus...what makes Beck think they are going to listen to him...seriously?

Beck's background story claims he used to be a junkie and mentally ill....Personally I think we can change the word “used” to “still.” crazy after these years....He is batshit crazy to be perfectly honest..

I used to work with the guy who founded Clear Channel...a guy by the name Randy Michaels...I think its time for me to pull out the old Rolodex and make some calls to reach out and touch my old friend..

I think it's time we all make some calls.....Anti Christ Beck needs to go and go quickly...like yesterday...

1 comment:

  1. Surely no one takes him seriously -- I hope not at least
