
Friday Rap


Isn't it time to boycott CBS? Since when is airing an anti abortion ad okay during the Superbowl? If it does air, shouldn't there be equal time for a Trojan ad or Yaz ad? Because you know somewhere in that mix...a Viagra ad is going to pop up, too...but male virility is a right in America, while women's fertility rights are the subject of debate...


If Sarah Palin is a “real American” and Scott Brown is a “traditional American” What are the rest of us?

Is it just me...or is Scott Brown just a cuter version of Joe the plumber?

Why are the people who voted in Massachusetts seen as speaking for the rest of the country? Ask us how we feel, please...


If Democrats out number Republicans 59-41 in the Senate and 256-179 in the House...then why is Obama acting like passing health care reform, or anything else for that matter, is suddenly up in the air? Isn't a majority still a majority? Ditto for DOMA, and marriage equality..

Leaving marriage equality to the states is like asking slave owners if they want to let go of their slaves and work their own fields. Didn't work for Lincoln...won't work for Obama, either...

If Obama wants us to coalesce around the “good parts” of his plan, then let's drop the age limit on Medicare and give America what our congressmen already have. Why can't we have what you got?

If we can't have health care reform, then I want something back from Congress...like maybe cancel the ability to automatically give themselves a raise each and every year....2009 raise was 4700-dollars per congressman...or cancel their health care and live like the rest of us..

On the question of jobs...isn't it about time to think about bringing back the WPA?

Reforming Wall Street is only good if it forces the banks to let go of the money they've been sitting on


The Supco ruling on campaign finance reveals the real damage done by the GOP...really activists judges installed throughout the federal level of the court system..and they are all lifetime appointments....we're reaping what they sowed...


I hear the White House is trying to figure out ways to make Uganda cancel the law that calls for execution of anyone caught being gay or lesbian....I've got a suggestion.....cancel all the money we're giving them...now....that's a wake up call they will hear...

And by the way...the Bill's sponsor is coming to America to the National Prayer Breakfast at the invitation of several so called Christian Evangelists...including Rick Warren, who are behind this heinous piece of legislation.....Obama is supposed to be at this breakfast.....

Trust me, O, this is really, really not a good move on your part.....


Did you know the NAACP has nominated Michael Jackson's funeral for an Image Award? Isn't it time to cancel this useless and outdated organization, since they refuse to deal with real issues or recognize and deal with 21st century problems....like AIDS in the Black Community...Black on Black crime....Black male unemployment...out of wedlock babies...Black school dropouts...no Black in college..too depressing to go on...


Some dude down in Augusta Georgia is starting an all white basketball league..only players who can prove they have two Caucasian parents and are native born Americans can play...No foreign whites need apply either...The league founder says he is tired of street ball as played by Blacks in the NBA and want s to bring the game back to the more fundamentally sound white guys like it used to be played...

First off.....Caucasian is not a race...does not exist

Second.....the early “white” players who excelled in basketball...were Jewish...can they play in this league?

Third......In this mixing pot called America...how is he going to prove who is pure white in the first place? A DNA test? All that will prove is that we all originated in Africa...making us all Africans under the skin and an all white league a genetically impossible situation.. ..

You know....I wish these racists weren't so dumb and would go back to school...it's getting too easy...way to easy...

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