
Friday Rap

UPDATE-Tiger has apparently decided to take a break from golf for a while to fix his family. He made the announcement on his website.

Some sanctimonious ass hat in New York wants the PGA commissioner to ban Tiger Woods...For what...screwing white women?

Or maybe it's the number of white women....Okay...so how many white women is too many... does it count if you screw them one at a time...or what happens if you take part in an orgy or two...is group sex with all white women the tipping point?

Are you banned for life for going in on an orgy with five or more?

What's the penalty for oral sex....ten day suspension...

Or maybe dummy was offended by the pros...the porn ladies sprinkled among the amateur cocktail waitresses...

Give me a fucking break....He curses on the golf course well within the hearing of your precious little children, enough to make a sailor envious

But other than that...he does nothing on the golf course but make money for himself and all of the other golfers...

Message to ass hat....even if Tiger hadn't taken all the white women...you still wouldn't qualify...

so go sit down somewhere...simple dip shit....this whole thing is about money...not sex...

wake up and deal with it... Besides....ban a professional athlete for bedding white girls and you will have to cancel sports all the way down to puberty level juvy-ball...

And I hope that Ben Crane (Ben Crane update....) and what ever his name is Howard or Warren, have decided to retire...because when Tiger does go back to playing golf...you guys will never win another tournament....if you've won one in the first place above amateur level

A real pro keeps his jealousy out of magazine interviews....you can lust after the man's wife and envy his golf game...just be smart enough to keep it to yourself... so go ahead make hay now and then tear up your PGA card because you're not gonna need it when Tiger comes back...dumb ass..

Tiger.....Cheetah...whatever....you can't beat him...not with money, women or golf...never could...never will...

And that's really why all of you also rans are unhappy and runnin off at the mouth..


Public Option Dead

Looks like we lost this war....I'm still waiting for the final form of this bill...but I'm not happy....the fat lady is tuning up and corporate America is lacing up its dancing shoes to dance on the mass grave of this country's middle class...

Wonder how Obama is gonna jig out of this one....


Bat Masterson RIP

Gene Barry was one of my first TV crushes...I was 8....he was the man playing a debonair gambler, before the Maverick brothers took over...

He came back to TV in Burke's Law...and I followed him then...

Mr. Barry was 90...

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