
Driehaus Still Won't Get My Vote!

My ex Congressman voted for the health care reform bill last night and today I get a letter from the Obama Administration telling me I should thank Driehaus for acting courageously...

Well pardon me, but I define courageous a bit differently. Courageous is a vote that would have passed without selling out half the population and half of his constiuency. Courageous is a vote that would have shown respect for all women and their rights to make decisions about their lives...Courageous is the vote cast by GOP Congressman Ahn Cao...for his constituency and against his party....that's how you spell courageous...

Driehaus didn't stand up for women.....He didn't want to stand up for women...He approved of an amendment that is the most restrictive anti abortion measure since the Hyde Amendment...

Women deserve good health care just like men....there is no gray area here....The right to choose is an integral part of that..

The unborn are potential voters.....Women....we're here....some of us are queer...some of us are straight.... and yes, we do vote......

All of us deserve the right to decide what we do with our bodies without interference from anyone else...

Men don't have that problem...ever.....and neither should we...

Looking at the big picture...We need health care reform....However, screwing over half the population is a no win situation for everybody...

1 comment:

  1. This bill didn't include public funding for abortions. Driehaus was against the bill until the public funding for abortions was yanked - thats why he supported it in the end.
