
Choice with Change, Like Gin with Juice

If the leaks are true, then Obama is going to send more troops into Afghanistan. He's reportedly not going to send as many troops as the generals want. He has instead reportedly opted for some middle ground.

I'm sorry but I didn't vote for middle ground compromise. I voted for change. Change from the policies of the past several years, that have decimated the middle class, allowed big business to pillage this country's resources and to run rough shod over the American people, unchecked by an uncaring government.

In the first year of Obama, Wall Street is back to handing out multimillion dollar bonuses, Black people are still the last hired, first fired with the most unemployment, LGBT people are still second class citizens, and as a country, we're still engaged in two useless wars where our people are dying for no reason, and we're propping up corrupt foreign governments that willingly taking our money and laugh all the way to the bank ...

Obama is slated to speak at West Point tomorrow to tell us what he intends to do and how he intends to pay for it as well as how he intends to end it.....And all I can picture in my head is Dubya landing on that battleship, with that Mission Accomplished banner behind him...different place, different time, different president...same old story.

I can't shake the feeling that we are living through a third term for Dubya, only in absentia. It's not just the wars, it's everything except the style....Obama style is slammin'.....but so far, it is very short on real substance....

I know he can't correct everything in his first term. That is an absolute impossibility. What is bothering me is that he seems to not want to change things, really. I'm seeing more politician than leader...and what I want is more leader....someone willing to make tough choices that lead to real change...

Right now, I'm apprehensive. I don't need a propaganda speech with a pretty backdrop....I need some action...

I'm in the same frame of mind that I get when all those lottery emails land in my mail box and keep telling me I've won big money....you don't have to send me an email telling me I won...just send me the damn check....

Just issue the order...bring the troops home...and end this fiasco...

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