
Midweek Observations

Alan Wilson who is the oldest son of Congressman Joe from South Carolina says there is not a racist bone in his daddy's body. Alan says daddy doesn't even laugh at distasteful jokes...

In case you forgot Daddy Joe is the one who yelled at Obama and before that was mentored by Strom Thurmond (never say anything bad about the dead unless you can say something good.....he's dead...good)

Joe, when he was a young pup called Strom's black daughter disrespectful for simply saying truthfully that Strom was her father....

Strom financially supported his child her whole life...but I've got to wonder, since the 16 year old maid who bore Essie worked for the Thurmonds...

Was this a love affair....or was it a rape...by massa's son?

Just askin.........

Daddy Joe also has a thing for the confederate flag, too...

But no...he's not racist....

None of em are, to hear them tell it....It's all a figment of Black people's imagination for the past 400 years..


OJ's ex......speaking about her 13 year relationship with the Juice who is now safely behind bars...

I almost had some sympathy for this woman...you know, Stockholm Syndrome and all that....

Until I found out where she met OJ.....outside his house where he committed the murders...she was there with other sightseers to look at the murder scene after it happened, and OJ came out and spotted her in the crowd....and what do you know...they fell in love...

She said in the interview that she stayed with him...even after he confessed to killing Nicole and Ron Brown, because she feared he would do the same to her.....

Let's back up a minute....

Girlfriend...if you're walking through the woods and a big black furry thing with claws, drool running down his neck and miles of big teeth stands up in front of you, stopping your stroll...you don't go up and ask it....”Are you a bear?....Am I in danger?”

You err on the side of caution....turn around....and hope you can outrun Yogi before BooBoo joins him in the chase......

In other words...DB.....you don't take up with men you meet at crime scenes...especially if he lives in the house and his wife who looks like you...is the one that's dead....


Whitney and Oprah

The Diva sit down.....parts one and two....It's all Bobby's fault....Everything....I was just trying to be a good wife and go along with the program for the sake of my child....


Love me some Whitney....but I still see some issues that need resolving, big time...It ain't over..and this time...Bobby's not there to take the blame...

You've got to own it...before you can control it.....

And Oprah....don't think that sneaky comparison of Bobby to Stedman was missed...It wasn't...

You ain't slick girlfriend....


Kanye.....as long as the boy has FU money...he is going to do whatever he pleases...he is on the AAA list and until such time as the white powers that control MTV...BET...Viacom and whoever....he will be there to do exactly he did to whomever..

Like him or not...he makes headlines....

And make no mistake about it....I don't like him...don't think he is talented...and my gaydar is really up in his direction....like a damn homing signal on his ass...


The View

Never thought I would want Elizabeth to come back....Megan was okay as fill in..In fact they could lose Elizabeth and plug in Megan...I'm okay with that....

But this Kate Gosselin...what were they thinking.......Useless.....totally useless...


9/12 Million-950,000 Moron March

What does it say about your movement when fake pictures are used to allegedly document it...

Glen Beck....the guy who talked it up...refused to attend...

So what...he had a schedule conflict for his own party...I know...the dog ate the invitations after he had them printed.....what...


And I am literally choking on these words....

Dick Cheney was right....He said that once Obama got into the White House he would like all those imperial presidency trappings that he and Dubya pushed through...

Obama wants to keep the patriot act in place.....

What's that saying...."absolute power corrupts absolutely....

As for the Health Care Reform Bill.....Baucus has proven to be the sell out that we knew he was....$3 million dollars from Big Pharma into his pocket will do that....

Note to President O......health care reform without a public option is the status quo that you keep saying you intend to change.....

hearin' me brah?

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