
If It Walks Like a Duck and Quacks.....

Obama in denial about racism, misses opportunity to address systemic issues

I understand that Obama has firmly planted himself in the middle. He wants to be president to everybody. I'm on board with that. He was elected by nearly everybody. However, the very vocal minority who didn't vote for him and even refuse to recognize his very human-ness, as well as his American-ness, have hijacked the national conversation.

Jimmy Carter, the former president who was not as bad a president as some would imagine, kicked the door wide open on the subject. All Obama had to do was to walk through and begin the discussion.

But he backed off, preferring instead to let Carter twist in the wind. Carter's problem, even when he was president, was that he usually spoke the truth..

People just didn't want to hear it.

If this country had taken the steps mandated by Carter, back in the day, we might not be paying $4 for gasoline and hundreds of dollars a month heat our homes.

If we had listened to Carter back then, America would probably be green today living on solar power instead of just getting into the ballgame with two out in the 9th and the score 10-1.

The problem with Obama is that he still thinks he is walking the hallways of academia breathing that rarified air of debate, discussion and civil discourse....

while a street fight has broken out around him....

The guns are literally out in full view......and he doesn't want to talk about it.....

First things first...let's deal with health care reform...or let's put wall street back on track....or let's look for alternatives solutions to our energy crisis...

Note to O.....the underlying cause of this stuff.....is racism...systemic...institutionalized racism...except now it has broken into the streets and some people are hiding behind the first amendment and threatening to invoke the second....

Whole Black people have had to deal with this scenario our entire lives..."you don't like what we sayin'....we will kill you!"

That is the message from the streets to the White House...

The problem with ducking the issue in hopes that it disappears is that it doesn't...It does what things do when pushed underground and ignored.....It grows and grows until it pushes itself into the light of day...and one day you trip over it...

Obama talks about the racism he heard from his white grandmother....it is one thing to hear it from a white relative....

This is his way of showing off his so called Black credibility....see I'm really one of ya'll....

But it is another thing completely to experience it over and over again from strangers....His grandmother loved him and protected him from it as he lived in her world...even as she spoke it and practiced it against others....

He needs to step to the plate and deal with a problem that still has a strangle hold on this country.....

No amount of ducking the issue or shushing former presidents is going to make it go away..

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