
Friday Rap


8th anniversary of the attack on America. There is still a hole in the ground where the Trade Towers stood. Bush is out of office, but the war in Afghanistan is bloodier than before, even as Iraq is winding down, thanks to Obama.

Waldo, Osama and Carmen

Waldo, Osama Bin Laden and Carmen Sandiego are the only three people in the world that American spy satellites can't seem to locate. Despite a 25-million dollar bounty on his head and the fact that he has failing kidneys and is 6 feet 4 inches tall, They can't find him...

Think about it....a six foot four Arab pulling a dialysis machine through mountains...

Do we really want to find this guy? After all...America armed the Taliban in the first place...Why can't we end this American created inter squad scrimmage and come home, now?



MJ may have been the king of pop when alive, but his family is going to make him the hardest working man in show business, since he passed. Joe's got all kinds of plans for his late, estranged son...Jermaine is in the corner scheming like always, while the other brothers run around looking lost..

The crazy one, LaToya is screaming murder and doing all the interviews...so you know there is nothing of substance being said....The MSM talks to her because they want controversy and headlines..nothing more...that's not news...

Katherine and Janet seem to be only voices of sanity, trying to keep the others from spinning totally out of control.....and those poor kids are trapped in the middle.....lost in Jackson Wonderworld..

And I don't care who gave him the injection.....Michael was an addict....He did what addicts do..had the money to get it done....and paid the consequences....

He killed himself...


Caster Semenya

May be an intersexual...or sources allegedly close to the testing have told a couple of foreign newspapers..Today, I am questioning those reports as accurate....primarily because...of the terms that the sources are using...Hermaphrodite is not the au currant term these days....It's Intersexed..

In the meantime these “sources” say she has organs for both men and women. The sports governing group says since she didn't cheat, she may get to keep her medals, but they still have studying to do and that will take a few more weeks...

The downside is that she may never be allowed to compete again, because she is too strong to go against women, yet not man enough to go against men...

There is an upside to all of this controversy....the girl is happy with who she is...the world seems to be happy that she is happy...and that is a good thing....no one wants her stripped of her medals or hurt anymore by this mess...


Joe Wilson

It gets better about Congressman Joe “that's a lie” Wilson....seems he is back tracking his apology saying the GOP leadership told him to say sorry....

Kind of like the kid who gets the crap beat out of him then tries to spin it by saying...”did you see me punch his fist with my face?.....I kicked his ass!”

Yeah, right..

This little piss-ant apparently has a long history of letting his mouth get his behind in trouble...seems way back when, when the world got wind of racist Strom Thurmond's black daughter...Wilson attacked the daughter....Essie Washington....as disrespecting a fine upstanding and respectable Congressman that was the segregationist Thurmond.....All Essie said to disrespect the man was....”yes, he is my father.”

Thurmond supported Essie his entire life....just kept her hidden....to keep his buddies from stripping him of his KKK membership...

Wilson, like many of his modern day fellow republicans has a problem with black-white love or sex...especially when it begets babies who may someday grow up to be president...


Mad Dogs and Republicans Come Out in the Noon Day Sun

This week shows that the GOP has jumped off into the deep end is unsteadily stroking into deeper and deeper water. They've reached the point of no return and don't seem to realize it..

They've marginalized the sane members and embraced the lunatics...

Can total extinction be far behind?


Queen Serena

Has her toughest match this afternoon, not Saturday night when the final will be played...She is playing Kim Clijsters today in the semis.....Kim is dangerous and has nothing to lose...Love her game...but I love Serena even more....

Go Serena!

The sisters are in the Doubles finals on Sunday...they got pushed yesterday...but got through it...that's okay....They need to be pushed in order to get better....

Go Venus! Go Serena! Go Venus! Go Serena!

1 comment:

  1. Joe Wilson's opponent got about $400k in donations in the 24 hours after Wilson shot off his mouth.
    freedom of speech - gotta love it
