
Friday Rap

The fight to preserve the status quo....

You know, I have been waiting for the explosion...the eruption of anger to happen after seeing that white man with a gun strapped to his leg at an Obama rally, earlier this week....

I have been waiting for somebody to say something. I have been waiting for the people to get really, really mad at the blatant contempt that permeates these health care sessions and dominates the debate on reform...

Because it has gone far past outrage....These people show absolute contempt for Obama. They don't respect him and they have no fear showing it because they think they are still the majority..

Maybe they are...nobody else is talking....The silent majority is silent...sitting on its obese ass, while these fools claim the streets and take over the public discourse..

Most seem more wrapped up in whether Michael Vick is going to play football because he allowed a damn dog to be killed, then by the lack of respect being shown for Obama..

It's not new to me....Every person like me has seen it before...We grew up with this shit...

We grew up seeing white t-shirt wearing, beer bellied white guys and their foaming at the mouth rabid women, holding guns and nooses..with dogs on leashes...as little black kids try to do something as simple as enroll in public school...

Or daring us to walk down the street, sit at their lunch counters, swim in their pools, move into their neighborhoods, or make the mistake of driving down their streets in the dark, alone.

Because when you're black, female and lesbian, you're the walking, talking antithesis of the status quo in America, and somebody's always in your face reminding you to stay in your place or be killed...

The message since I was born.....”be a good little nigger and stay in your place...or we may be forced to do something...ugly...”

Obama has refused to do that...So the intimidation is in full swing....Signs with ugly messages....shouts and taunts from KKK progeny who want “their” country back.....

Now a man who dares to wear a gun on his hip? I don't care if it is legal....

It was an affront to decency and civility and should not be tolerated...he should have been hauled off in handcuffs...if only to send a message back... that this kind of crap.....

This kind of intimidation is over....

I don't know about you....but I'm not going back there...didn't like it then....really don't like it now.....

Back then we sang...”we shall overcome, someday.”

Well, I've got news for you, folks.....someday is today....

As Huey P. Newton said.....”Sometimes to get rid of the gun...you have to pick one up...”

Ya hearing me, people?

1 comment:

  1. This is an absolutely brilliant post!

    I tell you, had a black man shown up at a Bush appearance with a gun, we all know what would have happened to him.
