
Friday Rap

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor....has a wonderful ring to it, doesn't it...

I just wish people, including the main stream media, would stop saying “Puerto Rico” as if it was some kind of foreign country...

Get a clue people....Puerto Rico is American soil...”they” is “us”....

Points to my main argument for dropping these ethnic prefixes...ie “African” American...or Puerto Rican American.....

These terms are successfully used to keep us divided.....

We, Blacks, have always been Americans...why do we have to look elsewhere to justify our ethnic identity...

I am proud to be an American...not an African American...but an American..especially since “African” in this usage... doesn't necessarily refer to the continent, as was originally intended, when first coined back in the day.....but has everything to do with simply using another word to identify us by color...as in African=Black...

You may not like the above statement...but consider this...there have been no all Black/African genes coming into the American Black gene pool for decades.. since 1619 in fact....geneticists, biologists and anthropologists will tell you that Black Americans are literally fading in color...Anyone who can trace their ancestry back to slavery probably has almost no Black blood in him/her in the first place, despite outward appearance..

Even Dr. Henry Gates, the man who popularized genealogy so that we can track back to the motherland has spent the past couple of weeks trumpeting his “percentage of whiteness” incorporated in his Blackness...as he stands next to his white wife and ¾ white kids...

There is nothing pure about the gene pool...Black or white...if you're American...you're mixed...period..

Time to get over it and move on...


Let the Big Dog Run

He is useless when it comes to detail, that's Hill's job, but his grasp of the big picture is perfect...so it was masterful to turn Big Bill loose on North Korea this week....Dear Leader was cheesing in the photo like he was standing next to Elvis reincarnated...and that's okay...

Mission really accomplished...the girls are home...safe..

Who cares if the honorary Black man doesn't like the half Black man in the White House...they make beautiful music together like Lennon and McCartney...and as every Beatle fan knows...they didn't always get along either...


Riddle me this....

Who did you like better in the Batman movie....the caped crusader...or the Joker?


GOP Mob Rule

Remember back to the year 2000 when all those white people rioted during the hanging chad fiasco during the election in Florida? Turns out the rioters were GOP operatives trucked in from DC to stir up the stupid masses into a frenzy against the coloreds....

Happened again in Florida last night....Can lynchings, beatings and cross burnings be too far behind? Or is that stuff just too blatant for today's modern racist sensibilities?

If these racists, er protestors were really serious...why not a protest to tear up their medicare cards...how about they give back their government sponsored public health care that they don't want the rest of us to have...

How about the GOP racists in Congress and the Blue Dog Democrats...give back their public financed health care coverage....

Bet if they did the money given back would put a nice dent in that deficit they keep screaming about...

Meantime...I'm sure Big Pharma and the Insurance companies are laughing all the way to the bank, as they plan their next government subsidized vacation in Rio or Monaco, or where ever the hell, the nouvo-riche travel these days..


Is it Just me...

Or don't you wish Obama would grow some balls and start taking names and kicking ass?

Back in the day I quit going to civil rights demonstrations because I'd reached my saturation point...I can only stand so much of being called a nigger before I get mad and decide to body slam somebody..

I'm at that point again.....I need to meditate more, I guess..

Turn the other cheek didn't work for me then...and I can't find any Buddhist teachings that I can get lost in to calm me down now...

There were two things I learned from practicinng martial arts......It is better to walk away from a fight....

But during kumite (fighting) it feels so damn good to clock somebody a couple of times upside the head..

It's almost orgasmic in feeling...(I like to fight..feels gooooooooooooood!)

But it represents the ultimate war for self control...”conquer others...win the battle...conquer yourself...win the war”

Grasshopper is listening Mr. President..


Walking Wastes of Oxygen Nominees

Eric Cantor....unAmerican, unpatriotic...flat out traitor to the country he purports to represent

Michelle Malkin...Coulter light

Michele Bachmann.....Hall of Fame nominee

Senator Grassley....took off his hood again this week

Beck...main cattleherder riding shotgun on the anti health care reform mob

Lou Dobbs....major disappointment

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