
Things That Make the Hair Stand Up on the Back of My Neck

A Sunday Rap...

Ex Governor Sarah..

Okay now, let's all sing (to the tune of Jimmy Crack Corn)...So long Sarah, So long Sarah, So long Sarah...we're glad to see you go...

Except my fear is that she will do a “retirement tour” like the Rolling Stones or Cher...and never go away or fade gracefully into the sunset...

As much as I love the Rolling Stones....a 60+ Mick Jagger just doesn't do it for me, anymore...and neither does repeatedly beating up on intellectually-phobic politicians


Dr. Henry Gates

While I have a very big problem with police who arrest people inside their own homes....I have similar problems with the continuing prima donna behavior of Black men who only seem to remember they are Black when they run smack into the reality the rest of us live with..

I particularly take offense to the good scholar's statements of “I'm 75% white,” etc....as if that means something...

Any Black person born in America can make that statement, thanks to slavery, miscegenation , rape, and passing...

We know this thanks to Gates' genealogy activities and studies...We've all got white blood in us...

So what?

He also sleeps white and has half white children, to use his terminology....

As my sister says....”perception is reality”.....in other words...it's not what you are...it's what you look like....

So get a grip Dr. Gates....and go sit down...


Darth and Dubya

Cheney wanted to use the army to arrest the terrorist wannabes in Lakawanna...He wanted to turn the army loose on American soil....on American citizens....

If that doesn't scare you...then nothing will.....

The stories in the MSM said he was stopped because Condi stood her ground and Dubya listened to her to follow the law and the Constitution...

Well, I've got news for you....Bush changed the law in 2007...It's called the John Warner Defense Authorization Act........

The troops are already here and ready to go with just one word from the President of the United States....

The troops are under the direct command of Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security...

As long as this Act, along with the Military Commissions Act of 2006, are on the books...it doesn't take an act of Congress...it only takes an order from the Commander in Chief....


Michele Bachmann

The genius from Minnesota argued this week that we should turn our backs on health care reform because it's cheaper than what is presently on the market.....huh?

She is another one against health care for everyone else.....she is in Congress...so we pay her health care and that of her family....

She also has 20 some odd foster children....the government pays for them, too...and since we're the government...well...you get the picture...

But “we” the people...don't deserve the same option...

The GOP put Bachmann on their endangered list this week...as in danger of not getting re elected....

Gee...ya think?


DINOs...Democrats in Name Only

If you write only one email this week...send it to those congressmen who are fighting health care reform...They have it...they don't think we should...

That's not fair...

If you're confused about it.....read the editorial in the New York Times today for the breakdown...


Swine Flu

Many of you weren't around in 1976, the last time we had a chicken little, “sky is falling” moment with an epidemic....

Our government, which screws up medications when they have plenty of time to get it right...are now trying to stampede the public into getting vaccinations for this upcoming swine flu pandemic...

The vaccine has just been created, they think... and is about to be tested....

Back in 1976...we faced a similar situation.....they rushed out a vaccine.......

More people died directly from getting the vaccine...then the flu bug....the pandemic fizzled...was much ado about nothing....

I will be honest....I'm part of one of those high risk groups and should according to them..get the vaccine....

However....the question is....Do I trust our government....

Short answer......No!

Will I get the vaccine?

Cross that bridge, if and when I get there...


Michael Jackson

I wish the msm would spend more time talking about Michael's contributions to the music...which were extensive and go far beyond the pop hits...

This hunt for someone to blame for his death....

Michael is responsible for what happened to him

Nobody else....

1 comment:

  1. Again, a home run.

    I think Dr. Gates assumed he had transcended blackness. But reality hit home this week.

    And Darth and Dubya were always scary. And I don't think we even know the half yet.

    But perhaps dear Michelle is even scarier. The idea of someone being in power who is obviously so far gone that they are beyond help should scare the voters of Minnesota into finally using good judgment and sending her back home.

    And I am particularly angry at the DINOs. What are they trying to prove?
