
Roadblock to Health Care Reform

Courtesy of the New York Times....These are the six holding up Health Care Reform...It's time to ask them how much they are being paid by the Health Insurance Industry, which is dropping one million dollars a day to keep health care reform from passing in a way that benefits the people rather than the corporations....

More info here

Maybe the rules should be....if you take money from the industry...you can't vote on the bills pending in congress...

However, I have a feeling that would negate any quorum, rendering it impossible to pass any legislation what so ever...

It is time to write your congressman, if you haven't already done so...

1 comment:

  1. It would be cheaper to start a company from scratch to provide basic healthcare to people who avoid risky (drug use, unprotected sex, being overweight, smoking, etc.) behavior.
    The same plan could be offered to others who act irresponsibly but at a higher cost.

    The new company could then be sold back to the population and operated under tha same fashion as credit unions.

    We would then have a state of the art system to compete with the current corrupt system which would be is governed by the people.

    In effect we would have less government oversight and more personal oversight.
