
Ohio Lawmakers Bringing Back Slavery

Proposed bill seeks to define women as property

Didn't have time to jump on this yesterday when I saw it on my buddy's blog, QueerCincinnati. Thanks Barry.

However, State Representative John Adams of Sidney has reintroduced a bill that would make it illegal for a woman to seek an abortion without written permission from her sex partner.

Meaning the guy who knocked her up...whether she is married to him...has a relationship with him...is victimized by date rape or any kind of happenstance leading to rape...or incest....or is a jump off....

consensual or not....

This proposed law which claims to give “fathers” rights over their children...mandates legal penalties if the woman does not comply or fingers the wrong man...She can go jail and get fined..heavily..

This proposal also says that if the woman does not name the “father” then she can't have an abortion..at all...under any circumstances...regardless of how she got pregnant...

Fully 53% of unplanned pregnancies happen because contraception fails..Now anyone who is using contraception is not trying to get pregnant...

And just because a woman decides to have sex...does not mean she is giving up her body or her uterus to pregnancy....

Nor does having sex with a man mean that she is surrendering her rights as a human being to her male partner....so that he can make decisions about her body...

Men do not bear the same burden as women when it comes to babies..

They do not carry them....They don't suffer the health issues..the wear and tear on the chassis, so to speak...And they can and do usually go away more often then they stay...

It is not fair that women die from pregnancy...

It is not fair that women have their health permanently affected by pregnancy, sometimes for their entire lives...

It is not fair that the number one cause of unnatural death for pregnant women is murder...

And nowhere in this bill does it address the man's responsibility...

For instance:

Married man fooling around with his wife's best friend....jump off gets pregnant...has complications...can't work....must he step in and support her and her two other children from a previous marriage?

What if she has no maternity leave benefits from her job....must he step in and pay her bills while she carries?

Or, she is forced to carry and deliver..but doesn't want the child...must he take the baby...and raise it...and support it..til its 18th birthday or whenever it graduates from college?

This bill requires a DNA test so, can't nobody lie their way out of it, if named as the male sex partner..

However, this chauvinistic travesty only speaks to the woman's responsibility, leaving men to do what they usually do...

Hit it and quit it...

And let me apologize to my brothers who do take care of their children...There are many men who do step up to the plate when called...

I come from a two parent home...where my parents got married a week before I was born....that was 59 years ago come August...He's still there taking care of my mother and the rest of us when we need it...

This bill is wrong....there is no other way to say it...It reduces women to slaves subject to the whims of a man...

Any man...

We have laws that convey rights on fathers....it's called marriage....

You want some say...then take responsibility and ask her to marry you...and then do it...


  1. I am flabbergasted. What is this, the frickin 18th century? Because men don't have enough control over thing? :::shakes head:::
