
Monday Musings.....

About Health Care Reform....as the GOP tries to torpedo the plan with the help of the Blue Dog Democrats..

I am serving notice as a taxpayer that I am going to start refusing to pay taxes if we don't get changes in the health system in this country..

The status quo is not working...It isn't even skewed to help people...It is skewed to make corporations and the people who run them richer....

And if I can't have health care that works for me...then neither should our Congressmen...

Since we pay for their health care....I think they should suffer right along with the rest of us for a change..

I've written more than once that dropping a bomb on Capital Hill would go a long way in clearing up the problems we face in America...

This Congress has done nothing to change my mind about their inept effectiveness.


The Three Musketeers...Thomas, Keys and Steele

I didn't think it was possible for anyone to out Tom, Thomas..but Steele has managed to do so...Every time he opens his mouth...

And as for Keys...well that man is simply certifiable..there is no other explanation....

Why did I bring up Thomas...He opened the judicial door for Keys' most recent round of ignorance in questioning Obama's birth and citizenship...

The D'Artagnan to this group is Ward Connerly...but he's been quiet for awhile..

Connerly, for those of you who don't recall is the guy who led the battle against affirmative action in California....

If I ever meet Mr. Connerly I intend to ask him how he feels about legacy policies....all universities have them....

Legacy policies are those programs that allow for entry into prestigious schools like Harvard and Yale to those scions of the rich who don't otherwise qualify....

Like George Bush, for instance..

Ya'll didn't really think that frat boy George got into Yale due to his scholarly prowess, did you?

Legacy....affirmative action for the rich and white in America...However nobody is talking about doing away with those programs....



Will somebody please refresh my memory.....why are we in Afghanistan?

It seems that the only thing going on is our soldiers are being killed by people who America armed to fight the Russians...

We gave the Taliban those guns and bombs...I'll bet we even taught them to build the IED's, too....

So why are we there?

What is the objective these days......Kill Osama?.... Win another unwinable police action? Nation rebuilding?

What the hell are we doing?

It seems as if Obama is following in the footsteps of George....Big mistake...

When an idiot says.....”let's go this way” you don't follow...that's stupid....Yet that is what seems to be going on....

If it has become Obama's war....then he should set a new course...the old one has run into a roadblock..

And as far as Osama is concerned...anybody check the penthouses in the hotels in New York, lately?


Call me skeptic....but the hair on the back of my neck is standing up over the pictures of this latest soldier allegedly taken hostage...

I wish him well..I hope he comes home safe, if that is his intention...

However..something is not right about that picture...


People I would like to take my size 10 foot and stomp a hole in their ass so deep it would make the Mississippi river look like a dried up creek bed...

Jefferson Beaureqard Sessions

Ms. Linsey Graham

Dowager Mitch McConnell

Jim DeMint

The Cambridge Police who arrested Dr. Gates late last week for breaking into his own house.....

That fool at Fox who talked about whites marrying outside their species....He apologized today...two weeks late....

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