
If Obama is Serious About Health Care Reform...

Then a public option would not be negotiable....It would be a requirement...

Real health care reform would also include limitations on “pain and suffering awards” in malpractice suits...

Real health care reform would make health insurance mandatory for everyone over the age of 21..

Real health care reform would include a reworking of the tax system so that citizens can deduct the cost of health insurance rather than the corporations...

Even a blind man can see that the corporations are going to use any public option to dump employees off their corporate plans and onto the public dole at the first given opportunity..this will benefit their bottom line and make them even more profitable....

So basically, what are they screaming about...they win without the public option...they win with the public option....

The public...gets screwed as usual...Yet the people really need the public option to sorta level the playing field, somewhat....

The health care industry is not in the business of providing health care...it is in the business of making money...period..

Obama is a smart man...he sees and understands that....tossing us to the wolves on this issue is not the way to get re elected....

Understand me....This is one Black woman who votes her conscience and her pocketbook...not her color.....

And I don’t believe I’m alone on this...

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