
Cincinnati Pride Sunday-Part 1

Veggin' out at the gay pride parade in Bowdie Park on Ludlow.

Pride Sunday, no matter where you are, meaning in what city you happen to reside, is a feel good day. For years, I have begun this Sunday, no matter where I lived, at brunch with friends, some easy conversation and good food before spending some time partying at the parade.

Since the parades, all over the country , are on Sunday, it's also a good time to see who went home with whom from the bar, on Saturday night... But I digress..

I intended to write a feel good piece about the parade because I do feel great from the camaraderie. For a change I wanted to not include politics on a feel good day, because politics feels like work to me and sometimes that's not good..

However, I can't do that today...I have to jump into politics for a little bit before I get to the feel good...so here goes...

I don't intend to vote for any person running for City Council who did not shake my hand in the Pride Parade today.

Greg Harris, Tony Fischer, and Laurie Quinlivan were there and shook my hand, coming out of the parade to meet and greet voters. They smiled, they looked me in the eye and they shook hands.

Now I can't say for a fact that they will support every issue that I think is important, but being strong enough to attend and march in the parade says a lot to me.

I will vote for Jennifer Brunner ...she wasn't there, but after that letter of support she wrote on marriage equality...can't say no to the lady, and she has to cover the whole state...


These three asked for my vote....and you know what...I intend to give it to them....

I have a long personal and professional history with city council (going back to when my uncle was Vice mayor of this city) as well as many local, state and national Ohio politicians.

Some of them read my blog and tell me so....When we meet....

Some of my “friends and acquaintances” had people in the parade today...they weren't there themselves...but they had people in the parade....

And to them....I say this....It is not enough to have your token gay or lesbian staff member put on a shirt with your name on it and walk in my parade...and expect me to support you...

If you can't show up personally for an hour or so and look me in the eye and ask for my vote..

Then I got no use for you...

You are wasting my time....

Even if you are kinda sorta my cousin by marriage....

Having your token gay or dyke friend or the kid of your token, walk down Ludlow waving a rainbow flag or carrying a rainbow balloon is lazy and cowardly campaigning.....

It is completely arrogant to assume, that I am going to continue to support you when you don't give a damn about me....

I hope that maybe if enough LGBT community members read this and see some truth in what I write...maybe they will join me in a quiet protest.....

No visible support....no vote...simple....

And if you think you can get elected without the LGBT vote.....Think again...Go for it....

Mayor Mallory
Roxanne Qualls,
Laketa Cole,
Cecil Thomas
David Crowley.

To name a few.....

To be continued............................................


  1. Thanks for the support for Jennifer Brunner - her essay supporting marriage equality really fabulous.

    PS - I'm the editor of Jennifer's campaign blog.

  2. Wandered over here from another site...

    Great post - you certainly get to the point and call folks out don't you? That's a good thing.

    "No visible support" I hope your readers take that statement to heart. Perhaps this is why I am conflicted about President Obama at times.

    I'm also fan of Jennifer Brunner's.

  3. Vice Mayor Crowley was there marching with Councilmember Greg Harris.

  4. Then I do apologize to him. I did have a conversation with Greg and didn't see who was marching with him as they passed....I have been a Crowley supporter in the past...we even shared a bottle of water and coversation outside Obama headquarters last summer in Walnut Hills...

    He is one of the good guys..

  5. Quick look over your list - here's my take:

    Laketa Cole can't publicly support gay issues and keep her good as gold standing with the black churches who keep her electable. And we all know where the black church in general (pick a denomination, any denomination) stands on the issue homosexuality.

    As for the rest - they've all long outlived their usefulness in Cincinnati politics. Mallory has been the biggest disappointment ever which means he'll probably be back in state level politics any second now.

    Uh - what you doing? Why don't you run?

  6. Been there at city hall, with my uncle and all the rest....jerry, jim, tom, david, ted, Bobbie, tyrone, steve,to name a few, you get the picture....those were the days....before my days in radio and TV...don't want to repeat...

    as for being mayor....It would take a unanimous proclamation from the people...and given my politics and proclivities....it will happen when pigs fly
