
Friday Rap...

Today would be a good day for President Obama to issue an executive order suspending "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.."

Doing it today would save the job of an Arab fluent linguist who also happens to be gay. He’s been informed by the military that he is going to lose his job because he outed himself on television....

Losing an Arab fluent linguist while we’re fighting two wars in the middle east is like cutting off your nose to spite your face...or like sending soldiers to war with no guns...isn’t it time we get serious and fight like we mean it....like we really intend to do something other than steal oil from the people who own it?


Question......Are the NAACP and Black Ministers Organizations (all of them) Relevant in the 21st century....Or should they go the way of the dinosaurs, pass out of existence and make way for something new?

These organizations still display a mindset that was good for 1959...but is not pertinent to 2009...

These groups will not get their audience back until they start addressing today’s issues.....HIV/AIDS, Black on Black Crime, neighborhood violence, People not taking responsibility for their kids and their education, Homophobia against Black gays and lesbians....

My sister recently pointed out that the only segregated church in America these days is the traditional Black Church.....think about it....

The mega churches Black or White led.....preach wealth and how to get more.....not religion or sacrifice for the greater good.....

Speaking of Mega Churches....is TD Jakes still talking about the LGBT community and Muslims in negative terms...now that his son has been busted in the park with another man?....Just askin'


Did you know....that the Bible talks about no less than eight forms of marriage.....so which one is the traditional one that conservatives keep yelling about....

And....if Separation of Church and State is mandated and codified in the Constitution, why is Religion allowed to dictate secular law...

Most of the founding fathers of this country were known to be Atheists afraid of what happens when religion decides law....

Because the truth of the matter is.....America never was formed to be a Christian nation...not legally...

It was formed to enable freedom of religion and also freedom from religion....

Finally...If the LGBT community has the same rights as everybody else...then why is gay marriage a debatable issue....

Under our system and our constitution....getting married is just another civil right...that some are being denied...making the denial...a violation of law...

BTW....Will somebody please grab Pat Robertson....Sounds like he forgot to take his meds again...While you're at it.....check James Dobson, too....He's sounding like a human being today..Amazing...


The City Manager is in favor of privatizing Cincinnati’s Water Works ....Not A Good Idea....

Despite what government tells us...rates will go up dramatically...and when the stuff hits the fan....they won’t be there to protect us.....

Think I’m wrong....look at the rate increases since Duke Energy took over Cinergy....

Look at what is happening with Time Warner....why can’t Cincinnati make the city a hot spot for wi fi from city limit to city limit.....

Water, Air, Electricity, Food....the stuff needed for survival... should never be allowed in the hands of anyone with more loyalty to its stock holders than to its customers...the people....

It’s time to think about ways to get off this expensive grid.....

How about stimulus money to make all city homes solar powered....we don’t really need a trolley system.......

Give me a grant....I’m willing to be a guinea pig on this....Avondale should be solar powered....


There is a drum beat that some Blacks in the community are trying to persuade the Black Community to vote Republican in the next mayoral election....

Good luck with that!

The alleged Black pup..er..people who are doing the talking sound like the GOP of 1980 rather than a new GOP...You know the old GOP powered by divisiveness, racism, and old white guys in the closet saying do as I say...not as I do....

The only difference is they have new Black guys mouthing the same old words....

Buy a clue....GOP...Chocolate or otherwise.....until your actions match the words coming out your mouth.......you won’t have many converts to your party......

Do I need to break it down....

28 year old Ken Blackwell/Charlie Winburn wannabes don’t work......

Attacking a popular Black Mayor with innuendo while he’s hustling his butt off to make the city better...successful or not...he’s working...not talking....don’t work....

GOP choosing a mayoral candidate who looks like old GOP candidates and likes Tea Parties...which overtly and racially attack the Black Man in the White House....won’t work...

Black GOP standing by as these attacks happen....what are you thinking....Or do you think your party affiliation will save you....and put something other than chump change in your pocket....don’t kid yourself...

And quiet as its kept.....losing General Colin Powell in the past election did more damage to the GOP than Barack Obama himself....

You wanna get somebody's attention...emulate Powell....not Michael Steele...Charlie Winburn.... or Ken Blackwell....

Even JC Watts went into hiding when these current Limbaugh Lemmings, who now run the GOP took over....

Think about it the next time you open your mouth and before your foot flies upward...

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