
Thinking Out Loud

Mexican Drug War

Word that Obama is going to help Mexico battle the drug cartels on the border...Seems to me that the best way to do this is to simply end the failed war on drugs....

Admit that some people are going to use, no matter what....

Legalize the market, just like liquor stores, tax with user tax, controlled from state store...

the war on drugs is another failed program that has gone on for way too long...Prohibition war on alcohol is the precedent....it didn't work then...it's not working now...

legalizing the market....immediately stops the violence at the border and in the neighborhoods...

legalizing the market....immediately stops warehousing people in private prisons for profit...

legalizing the market....can work with the planned revisions in health care in America...revise everything in health care toward prevention, rather that penalty for illness...because addiction is illness...not crime...

This country spends billions on this war....more than Iraq and Afghanistan put together...


Tim Geithner

My gut tells me he's a crook, just like the rest of them....but we're in a position of having to trust him...so let's hope his handlers know what they are doing...


Barack the Magic Negro

Man, that song must have gotten some traction, somewhere...all these folks throwing tea parties and protests because of what the prez is doing....

He's only been in office about 60 days give or take....

They really do believe that he is magic if they actually thought he was going to be able to clean up this mess in about 2 months on the job....

Ya'll need to chill....

Other Magic Negroes have taken a while to find their game, too...

After all...

Michael Jackson didn't make Thriller as his first record...

Micheal didn't win a championship the first year he got to Chicago...

How old was the Doctor the first time he dunked....

Michael Johnson didn't win his first 400m dash...did he?

Tiger didn't win the Masters the first time he played it...

Arthur Ashe didn't Grand Slam his first year on tour....

I don't think Hank Aaron hit a home run the first time he stepped up to the plate...

Even Willie Mayes dropped a fly or two in the outfield...

Patience, grasshoppers....Barack will work his magic....give him a minute or two..

1 comment:



    Kisses, Jo!
