
And Babies Make 14!

I’ve been riveted by this story since Nadya Sulieman gave birth a couple of weeks ago to eight babies. Man, you know she’s got PC America in between a rock and a hard place...For instance, how do you talk about someone who:

looks like she may be of Arabic descent....is single...no husband...no boyfriend...lives with her parents...is unemployed and already has six kids at home...three of whom are reportedly disabled... she’s on food stamps, gets disability checks for some of the kids, and....they are all under the age of 8....and...they were all conceived through invitro fertilization...

She looks like she’s had some kind of botox injections to her face...which is her right....she talks and sounds like she is a couple of bricks short of a full load..she says she is just consumed with having babies......my question....is she raising them. Really raising them....or is that her parents job?

She has a mother who is giving interviews and mom seems to be very pissed off...about the whole situation...her daddy has gone back to Iraq to be translator and to make more money for the family...he doesn’t seem like a happy camper either....Mom says she does buy a lot of toys but does little else in the house....

So what do you do?....The medical board may go after her doctor for implanting more than the standard two or three embryos...

But can they really do that? I mean the constitution guarantees a woman’s right to choose...

and she chose to have 14 kids......

limit her right to have the embryos implanted and you’ve got the right to life people on your case...they want all babies conceived, to be born....Okay... but quality of life never enters the argument..

Because I have to wonder....and I’m sure so do a lot of people....what kind of life are these little people going to have?

I hope it’s a good one....Having babies is not a lark, or just something to do....it is one of the most important things a woman can choose to do.....

I also don’t believe that all women should have children... even when they can...you need a license to drive a car....maybe it's time for a license to procreate...

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