
Heterosexual with Issues?!

Ted Haggard, still confused

Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Transexual and now Heterosexual with Issues.....

Teddy, Teddy, Teddy...First you get dragged kicking and screaming out of the closet...You’re gone for two years to be worked on by some religious counselors from your church, who apparently couldn’t “cure” you of your “issues.”

So now you’re back to apologize....

Apologize for what? Didn’t you do that already? You come back and another man comes falling out of your closet. And when Robin Roberts of Good Morning America asks you flat out if there were some more men hiding in there.....You dodged the question....Ya didn’t answer!

I have some issues, too....Let’s call me a homosexual with issues...except my issues are with what you’re saying these days about yourself....

From your interview today, you don’t seem to have come to terms with or to have forgiven yourself for who you are and what you are. I saw a man this morning still very deeply manipulative...trying to make the world see him for who he wants us to believe he is, rather than who he is. Robin called you on that, too and you denied it.

You say you believe in God....Okay....God made you... So why don’t you trust him? His son Jesus said to love one another as you love yourself....you don’t seem to be loving anyone, especially yourself...

If you could only face yourself, honestly without the hypocrisy in which you’ve wrapped yourself...you could probably return to the pulpit and for the first time in your life be who you think you want to be.

As it stands now, you’re deceiving yourself, forcing your family to stand in the pit of denial that you’ve dug, asking us to buy your hollow self righteousness.

You should do what you’ve told your flock all these years.....Trust Him and He will lead you in the right direction.... Really listen to the words you mouth so easily, yet distrust so mightily...

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