
Hey, Straight People, Got a Question for You

Question: How old were you when you decided to become straight?

Don’t laugh or look silly and ask me what I’m talking about. It’s a simple question....I’ll say it again.....How old were you, when you decided to be straight?

Folks keep telling me, and I constantly read it throughout the blogosphere, newspapers, and magazines, that being gay or lesbian is a choice....that we choose our sexuality...that we choose our lifestyle...I will agree that we may choose our lifestyle.....but our sexuality......

That is why I’m asking, when did you, heterosexuals, choose your straightness and your resultant lifestyle?

Was it five? Was it fifteen? Was it 21? Or were you born knowing? Tell me please. Inquiring minds want to know.

Did you try being gay first? Did you kiss your best friend and find out you liked it...or maybe you didn’t like it? Did you experiment before making your decision?

Or was being straight the easy, no hassle choice. Was it a choice? And if sexuality was not a choice for you.. that in your mind, you were born straight.....then why is sexuality a choice for gay and lesbians?

If straights are born that way..... then why aren’t gays?

Been reading about the latest fallen Evangel trying to resurrect himself.....Ted Haggard. He’s getting ready to do a documentary on HBO.....In the documentary he reportedly says that he never said he was straight in the first place. But he’s going to keep living as a straight man with his wife.....What is that......born gay....living straight....got caught being true to himself...still decides to live straight....hmmmmmmmmmm

Sounds like he doesn’t have a choice about his sexuality....but he does choose how he lives...He chooses to live in denial of his true self, which is homosexual.

Sexuality, fixed.....lifestyle, mutable....

For everybody, it seems...

1 comment:

  1. I think people feel sexuality may be fluid because I'm sure some people do "chose" to be straight. I'm quite sure that many more people than will ever admit it have experienced same sex attraction but at some point "decide" that they will simply pursue the man/woman traditional lifestyle simply through the desire to not be "different".

    Unfortunately some of these "straight" people - such as Ted Haggard - fight very hard against their own confusion and dichotomy, and what they appear to be a flaw in themselves and a sin against God.

    However there is another path - those who quietly (or not so quietly but just as determinedly) support the gay community struggle -- having long sacrificed the truth of their own sexual identity - or maybe having watched a parent, brother or sister have to do the same.

    And never forget, people have a real fear of religion and the idea of not making it into heaven. And so many of us had drilled into us that homosexuality is a sin...that even the acceptance of that lifestyle in others may be enough to get you booted to hell...it's one thing to question your sexuality or that of others - but questioning God in itself is a sin...what do you do about people who truly believe and the crisis of faith this brings to them?

    I don't have any answers except to try and love everyone and accept them as they are - and pray that God is much more merciful than humankind.
