
You Say Tomato..I Say ToMahto..

Who gives a damn what you call it....Bailout....Rescue....WE, the people are still getting screwed...still drowning in debt...still facing foreclosures...still have no credit...the newly minted measure passed last night by the senate...did not address any of these under lying problems...And, the now 451 page bill, was sweetened for republicans in order to get them to vote for it, by adding tax cuts....So much for Johnny Mac’s primal scream about earmarks and pork barrel spending... Obama voted for it, too, much to my disgust..

I don’t understand why we have to act so quickly....I’ll bet my next paycheck that 99 percent of our senators haven’t read the measure itself, yet, if ever...But they want us to swallow it unread...just trust them...they’ve taken care of us...so well, so far...yeah right..

This “rescue” is adding more debt rather than decreasing debt...I hope the House will just say “no” again..But I doubt it.....

Here' s novel idea....why don't we all go back to using cash...as in dollar bills ya'll...cut up the credit cards....Your life will suddenly destress...guaranteed...


Pre V.P. Smackdown

Is it just me, or does it seem like Johnny Mac is having woman trouble again

First the serial adulterer picks Sarah Palin as his running mate as a dig at Hillary...apparently spending more time choosing his 500-dollar ferragamo loafers than he did vetting Palin...Then after telling us that she really, really, really has a brain...He shields her from the media....no questions...

Finally, he allows her to answer some questions in sit downs, first with Charlie Gibson...and after that, Katie Couric...

McCain hasn’t said anything about Charlie..but he keeps accusing Katie of “gotcha questioning.”..all this after Palin shows she can’t think on her feet without a script in front of her..nerves, maybe?

There is also a rumor floating around that Palin doesn’t like talking to women, either, which is reportedly why she did okay with Charlie but not with Katie..

Now JM is upset that Gwen Ifil is handling tonight’s debate, because she is writing or has written a book about race and politics and has put Obama’s name in the title...Looks like he’s building up a routine of attack for after the debate, just in case his VP doesn’t perform up to his expectations..

Word has it that John has also thrown NY Times Op Ed columnist Maureen Dowd off his campaign plane...guess he doesn’t like her column either...

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