

Things You Need to Know....

1...Remember: 91 and 134...

91-the number of times that John McCain has voted with George Bush
134-the number of lobbyists currently employed by the McCain campaign-those numbers courtesy of Paul Begala

2...Sarah Palin attributes her success to a an African witch doctor

3...It’s not just the Supreme Court that we have to worry about....The GOP has literally gutted the ranks of the federal courts from where Supco judges are chosen...

4...Talk about total irrelevance...

Donald Trump has endorsed John McCain for president on the Larry King show....SO! Trump continues to be one of the biggest jokes on the planet.....

well maybe one of them......there is that woman named de Rothechild who thinks that she matters to the rest of us....she used to raise money for Hillary...now she is a McCain supporter because,

“Frankly, I don’t like him.” She said, referring to Obama...Oh, and she also called him an elitist...she is smart enough not to use the N-word outright....but she used the word that means the N-word in today’s parlance.....pictures show that she suffers from terminal blondeness of the bottle variety...

5...Troopergate is unraveling

Looks like all those attorneys that the McCain campaign has been throwing at the problem are working....Troopergate is either going to die or be delayed until after the election..

6....Let’s all cheer!

Hit him again, hit him again...harder...harder!

Obama used Rush Limbaugh to slam McCain on immigration and Limbaugh is whining ,alleging racism on the part of Obama...

The pill poppin’, bigot can’t take a dose of his own medicine....sissy! No offense meant to my sissy friends..

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