
Udder Nonsense

I’m all for allowing people to live their lives in any way they choose, as long as they don’t hurt anyone else while doing it. We’re all different. We have different buttons that trip at different times in different situations.

I’m okay with that...You stay in your yard...I’ll stay in mine....We’ll all be happy..

I only have a problem when folks try to inflict their beliefs or silliness upon me...Take PETA, for instance. PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Now let me say, I’m an animal owner...three dogs, who pretty much lead a spoiled existence. They were all adopted from the street. I don’t force them to be groomed...They’re pretty much still the hairy little monsters that I brought in off the street. I just work overtime at keeping my house fur free..which means I vacuum everyday...sometimes twice a day....no doggie smell in this house...I have had to back off house training for one....he is fourteen and now that he is older, sometimes has trouble making it through the night...he knows it and if he does have to go...he goes into the bathroom and uses the area in front of the commode...He’s too small to get up onto the commode....I just have to remember to wear shoes in the morning..in case....

Now from what I’ve told you, you would think that I would be a card carrying member of PETA..Well, you would be wrong, because these folks are just flat out bat shit crazy...

In addition to wanting all of us to forego wearing furs and leather..(that’s a culture thing with blacks)....or not eating meat...becoming vegetarian....I’m a partial veggie...I still eat fish..

PETA has asked Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream to get rid of cow’s milk and to use human breast milk instead. Check out the letter.

PETA says the switch will be better for cows and humans.....HOW! Go from misusing cattle to making slaves out of women? That’s a good idea?

I mean, how else do you do this? Sure women will be paid...but it’s just another abusive industry that will continue to guarantee women are treated as second class citizens.

I’m all for not mistreating animals. But PETA people...I like my women running free..and I like my ice cream the way it is...

Seriously...ya’ll need to get a life...

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