
Gee, Toto, We’re Not in Kansas, Anymore...

Man, you know you’re in the twilight zone when the current master of sleazy politics sounds like the voice of reason in the current campaign for president. Karl Rove says John McCain’s ads attacking Obama, have gone too far.

"McCain has gone in his ads one step too far, and sort of attributing to Obama things that are, you know, beyond the 100-percent-truth test," said Rove. "Both campaigns ought to be careful about... there ought to be an adult who says: 'Do we really need to go that far in this ad? Don't we make our point and get broader acceptance and deny the opposition an opportunity to attack us if we don't include that one little last tweak in the ad?'"

Rove is now a talking head for Fox News. He made the comment on Fox News Sunday...


O. J. Simpson is on trial again. Big Whoop!. He and his lawyers are whining because the Simpson jury, this time out, is an all white jury and therefore he can’t get a fair trial because he is not being tried by his peers...

Bullcrap....The only time Simpson remembers that he is black is when his ass in trouble, then he high tails it back to us. He lives white, sleeps white, plays white ever since he won notoriety as a football player. Simpson obviously doesn’t live as if blacks are his peers, so why should we sit on his jury?

He is being tried by his peers. Karma, baby...it is definitely a bitch!


I slept through a hurricane today as the high winds of Hurricane Ike rushed through the Midwest on Sunday. My upside down day ended at six thirty am and after a little writing time, I laid down and went to sleep only to be awakened by the stirring of my dogs who were upset at noises outside our windows. Seems the winds were kicking up at about 70 mph and had flung my storage shed into the back of my house. Coming fully awake, I had no power, but neither did anyone else on my block. Everyone was out on their front porches, just watching the weather pass by. We were lucky, there was no water with this storm, just wind. But reports said 850,000 people, or 90% of Duke energy customers lost power in one fell swoop.

I have two porches, one up and one down. I was initially on the upper one, but decided to retreat to the lower one after watching the power lines strain against the winds. I could picture them snapping and me getting trapped or worse on my balcony.

So I went downstairs and outside. My neighbors and I watched and waited, helplessly. We watched trees fall across the street....I live in the second oldest neighborhood in Cincinnati, where the trees have been towering since the early 1800's....My house is more than a hundred years old...so you can understand why the trees fall here....makes you nervous.....saw dirt devils filled with debris dance down the hill in front of us...little swirling tornadoes, that we were checking to see if some of the stuff caught up, belonged to us...

The kids down the street recovered my dogs’ wading pool. The dogs like water and playing in water. I drain it periodically to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs and hatching. So the pool was empty when the winds scooped it up from my backyard.

In between the wind gusts, it was actually a pretty nice day going......no rain...just wind and stuff flying through the air. I could tell that some of my neighbors to the west of me, lost their roofs. I also saw several gasoline cans and a couple of old blankets....some garbage cans, plastic grocery bags and lawn furniture...... kind of a flea market put on by mother nature parading past my house..

Power outages always make me feel helpless. My first reaction upon waking up is usually hunger and I have an electric stove, which means I can’t cook....no charcoal, so no grilling, even if I wanted to....so I did the next best thing...went back to bed to wait for the power to come back on...

It did....about 12 hours later...I have to wait until daylight to see if I’ve sustained anymore damage then my storage shed....the winds are gone...crickets are back.....replaced by 50 degree temps....great for sleeping...except now I’m awake.....

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