
The 28%

I’ve been wallowing in GOP land all day and thought I’d better write it all down before I take my shower. You know, hot water has a way of dispelling all dirty unpleasantness, so I better write first and then I’ll get clean.

I don’t like trashing sistas.....I’m totally surprised at beginning here with Sherri Shepard of The View, since the only black person I figured to talk about in the same paragraph with the GOP this week was Condoleeeeeeeeeza.

But I tuned into The View today, and once again Ms Shepard got on my last nerve. This sista thinks the earth is flat....she’s never voted...had several abortions according to her....and she thinks that raising five kids qualifies Sarah Palin to be vice president of the United States....please!

She has every right to her various opinions, statements and admissions, and I have a right to mine....here’s one.....Sherri Shepard is dumber than a box of rocks and I’m sorry for insulting the rocks..

I've got to mention those nelly Log Cabin Republicans...those are the rich white gay men who usually end up being screwed, literally, by the closeted Congressmen, when they're not chasing interns....the LCR endorsed McCain today despite his homophobic stances and policies. The GOP platform is as homophobic as it is anti woman, anti black and anti poor..yet these fools year after year...happily drop their drawers, bend over and don’t even ask for vaseline..There can’t be that much money in the world to spend your life denying reality...

On to the convention...

The McCain’s adopted daughter showed up next to adopted momma today. The girl looked like she was scared to move. You can always tell when kids are living with a Mommy Dearest...just watch the body language...After the video tribute to Cindy, Brigid was relegated to the row behind Cindy along with the other three kids, who showed similar body language and confusion....Meghan actually had to tell her brothers and sister to stand up when the time came...this after Cindy turned around and told them first to smile, wave and then stand up...all on camera..

I’ll skip over that Bachmann woman and Laura...I won’t talk about Dubya...He wasn’t there in person, anyway.

Is it just me...or did the spray on tanned Fred Thompson drink his dinner before taking the podium. It was a forceful speech...more forceful than any he delivered for himself when he was running...But it felt rushed, not well thought out...He talked about McCain’s alleged character rather than issues..

But then Karl Rove said today this campaign is not about issues...that’s where Democrats keep messing up...he said...

Joe Lieberman ended the night with an appeal to Democrats who may have been watching...He wants us to vote for John McCain...surprise! Sounds funny...a guy calling for bipartisanship before the very folks who trashed his bid to be the GOP VP nominee...

Bottom line....the speakers tonight tried to walk a fine line...all talk was against the status quo without saying it was against the status quo....How do you run a campaign against yourself? They called for change...they called for a shake up on capital hill...but unless I’ve been asleep for the past eight years...these guys were the ones in charge...

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