
Obama Nation

You may have heard that the wingnut who successfully swift boated John Kerry a couple of years ago, is attempting to do the same thing to Barack Obama.

Jerome Corsi, a bigot of monumental proportions, judging from what he calls journalism, has penned a book called “The Obama Nation,” that currently rides atop the New York Times bestseller list.

The book is number one with an asterisk instead of a bullet because real sales figures have yet to show up. The figures do show that a bunch of right wing conservative organizations are buying the book in bulk to either pass out for free or just to prop up sales.

Rather than sit back and let it happen like Kerry did, Obama has launched a rebuttal to set the record straight.

You can find it here; http://obama.3cdn.net/a74586f9067028c40a_5km6vrqwa.pdf

Meantime, Corsi is doing what he does best...show up on white power radio shows and websites talking trash about blacks, jews, Catholics, women and everyone else who is not white, male and old...


  1. Lately, I am of two minds about Obama. I know he doesn't write off racism but he doesn't give it much room to grow either where he lives.

    It's an interesting approach - one that I feel on some fundamental level is wrong - but the proof is in the pudding and he really does, somehow and completely transcend racism like Michael J. Fox on a hoverboard.

    Is transcending racism an individual ability like whistling or snapping your fingers? I dunno. I just see Obama do it all the time and it's the oddest damn thing. It makes me want to give white folks a better shot. Some of them, though, not idiots like this guy.

    The trouble is, how do you know who the idiots are until you get to know them or they out themselves?

  2. Obama chooses to live life..no matter what it brings...when you do this..you simply take the good with the bad...go into every situation with your eyes open and no expectations one way or the other....if you always assume that you will meet idiots, you will....miracles are hidden behind expectations....get rid of the expectations about people, about life...you will uncover the miracle of living
