
Isaac, Bernie, John and Cullen

I’ve been busy vacationing, which means I haven’t looked at a computer screen, paid attention to my cell phone, or written a word in a few days. I believe in totally unplugging when I take time off. This time I was hanging out with my sisters and family. My parents celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary. I’m the first product of a two parent, albeit dysfunctional American family. Still together and still crazy after all these years.

As I’ve written in the past this is the time of the world’s longest yard sale that stretches from Defiance Ohio to Gadsden Alabama along Route 127. My sister and I have set a goal of seeing every inch of it before we die and we’re making progress...slow, easy, happy progress, in coming days I will write about it, but not yet.

Life has a way of intruding when you least expect it. Bernie Mac, and Isaac Hayes died this weekend. Bernie was one of those guys who could make me pay to go see a movie these days. I’m a movie fanatic who stood in line to see Christopher Reeve as Superman at 8:30 in the morning in Los Angeles with my sister and brother in law. I was in the first audience to see Alien, the movie that made it okay to be a strong woman and kick some alien butt in the process. I saw Star Wars and Raiders when they first came out. I even saw Too Wong Foo from the first row surrounded by some of my more flamboyant friends, to the consternation of the other staid Cincinnati movie goers...

But I stopped going to theaters weekly as the price went up and the quality of movies went down. I go now only when I want to see someone whom I admire. Bernie Mac was one of those people. He made me laugh and laugh and laugh. I can’t remember half the movies I saw him in, but I can remember each and every line he uttered. I knew he suffered from a chronic illness. I just didn’t expect it to take him so soon. I’m one of those “beige MF’s” (his words) who’s going to miss him.

Isaac Hayes was the conductor of the orchestra that plays the soundtrack to my life. Hot Buttered Soul....Black Moses.....Shaft.....By the Time I Get to Phoenix....

He was the grandfather of grown up rap...What he said between the music was as important as the music itself. I still play the vinyl rather than the CD, because I can, and because I like looking at his very creative album covers..the original ones...not the re issues...Hayes was unique as an entertainer.
I don’t know what killed him, but he, too, went too soon.


I went back through my commentaries to see what I’d written about John Edwards and the first thing I found was that I compared him to Dan Quayle, late last year, except I said he was much, much smarter. I take that back. Edwards is the dumbest rock in the box if he thinks that I and the rest of this world believes his version of his baby mama drama. Mr. Perfect’s been caught with his pants unzipped. He really is a politician and is as arrogant as the current resident of the White House. Hear what I say, pay no attention to what I do. Another defender of the sanctity of heterosexual marriage busted...Please!


Cullen....Cullen....Cullen...Cullen Jones...Gold medalist...Yeah! Like your smile, bro and the way you stroke. May you find success in getting the little ones into the pool...

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