
Debra Bartoshevich’s McCain Ad

A symbolic blowjob...that’s all this advertisement amounts to.... McCain benefits...Debra ends up with.....”stuff” all over her face.

The woman always gets dumped and disavowed after the act. She even gets stuck with the cleaning bill. Just ask the intern...or in McCain’s case...the lobbyist.

I’ve said it before...his policies and practices are totally and completely anti woman and family..his so called pro life stance, not withstanding. Voting for McCain is like cutting off your nose to spite your face...remember that old cliche?

Karma is a bitch...you fight dirty...you get dirty...

Your 15 minutes are up, Debra...now go home!

1 comment:

  1. I've had a few less then proud.. ...moments in my life that I would like to take back. I'm sure that when she looks back on this one, she'll try to pass it off as an election year mistake while feeling a bit used.
