
Real Change....How About.....

All this hollering about whether or not Hillary should quit the race is just plain ludicrous. If the race were currently between two white guys instead of a black guy and a woman, nobody would be demanding that anyone drop out in favor of the other. It would be a duel to the death or at least until the final vote at the convention. Any man who would give in prior to the final outcome, would be termed a "quitter," or a coward with no stomach for battle, deemed totally unfit to be commander in chief of the United States of America.

The premature calls for surrender are just more examples of the chauvinism, and the mysogynistic tendencies directed at the Clinton. Afterall, she's a woman, she can't handle this battle. She's not fit to be general, so the thinking goes.

I hope she ignores them. It shows her gumption and determination.

Although, I feel that some folks will also use this extended competition as another excuse to justify their vote for McCain or to fuel their calls for Al Gore to jump into the fray.

Despite his oscar, Gore is still very establishment...the very thing that everyone says they're tired of...

If we want real change..if everyone is already tired of Hillary or Barack, then maybe we need to resurrect Dennis Kucinich...


  1. Leave Dennis where he is...and I'm w/the other folks on this one - send Hillary w/him. For the good of the party - it's time for her to bow out gracefully.

  2. Patience, grasshopper....all this venting and blood letting will ultimately benefit the party. Let the fight continue...the party will be stronger and better able to handle the old man on the GOP side...

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