
Peripheral B***S***, and Other Monday Morning Crap

Hillary....first rule of thumb in any competition....don’t let your opponent see you sweat...you’re sounding pretty shrill, girl....you’re sounding like someone who’s losing..now take a deep breath....and let’s get back to the issues..
B.O. haters please...get a life....who gives damn if Obama doesn’t place his hand over his heart during the Star Spangled Banner....In my life time we were taught to put palm over chest for the pledge of allegiance and to stand at attention for the national anthem...saluting was for the armed forces, period....I don’t recall Obama being former military...do you?

And I am so sick of white people trying to tell black people how to feel about being an American. We’ve spent most of our lives fighting second class citizenship, racism, segregation, sexism...yet despite the constant and consistent slap downs that come at us no matter what we achieve...you want us to hide our feelings and always play the happy Negro in public so you can feel good about yourselves and say ....”wow, we’re really making progress, aren’t we!” ....And in case you decide to take issue with my making this a race issue....I don’t see or hear black folks taking issue with Michelle Obama’s comments...Even black republican puppets are staying away from this one...ya’ll need to check yourselves...

And let’s be honest....all of you engaged in this extraneous crap know you never intended to vote for him anyway.....you don’t need excuses.....just stand up and say it...Despite all the work of the Bush/Cheney cabal...this really is America....you do have the right to disagree...

Ralph...I’m okay with you running for president...you can run as many times as you want..you are after all, an American...But if you really, really cared about America...more than you care about Ralph Nader...then maybe you’d forego this latest foray into politics and work from the background....In your interview today you came off more decrepit than McCain...Why not tuck your ego and allow the kids to do it...Be Gandolf...Let Obama be Aragorn...
Johnny Mc....doesn’t matter who you select as VP....you’re in trouble..the NYT story was not only about women, it was about your ethics and apparent connections to big business type bad guys....or have you forgotten Charlie and the savings and loan debacle...smells like a problem..
Huckleberry...you still in the race? Hmmmmmmmmm...
Condi sighting...she’s in South Korea for the inauguration of the new president...guess she had to choose between South Korea and Cuba which installed baby brother Raul in the top spot...Fidel is not dead, he’s just moved over into a consulting spot....The best way to kill that dictatorship is to lift the embargo...
One last thought....the secret concentration/detainment camps are still being built, thanks to the workings of the Bush/Cheney cabal and their minions in congress....KBR is busily at work building places to house those of us who speak too loudly...It’s all a part of home land security, even animal rights activists have been relabeled as domestic terrorists.....code named ENDGAME....came about in 1999... two laws passed quietly....check it out...

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